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more rocks?


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how much stonework you have is up to you, some fish need/like it more than others. Lump heads are a particular one that ike to hide most of the time & when i remove rocks they hide where ever they can like the piping etc. I would recommend getting a GAE as alot of surface area will grow alot of algae.

& as you are mad about clowns, they also mix well with africans :)

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yeah clowns do well with africans, they out compete them for food so its also fun to watch.

A GAE is a must IMO, i only recently got one & it has been great. I sed to leave the lights of during the day & i had to clean it manually but with him I have to leave them on to create food for him. :)

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hey there...

we feed our demasonis flake to brine shrimp & pellets ,,

we scored another 9 yesterday so we have 20 havnt lost any yet fingers crossed!!!! :o:o

when we first got our first lot we would have to swirl the flake around in the tank so they see it and they would come out and feed demis are quite shy cichlids as we have found!!!

where did you get them from????

hi will try to add more smaller hiding spaces :)

i only have 12 atm

what do u guys feed your dems?

ive only had them for 4 days but they dont seam to be eating so hopefuly they are just settling in

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try find the real little pots about 8cm high and grab a pair of pliers and break a lil door out of the top rim of the pot and stick it in up side down ours love them!!!!

hey there...

we feed our demasonis flake to brine shrimp & pellets ,,

we scored another 9 yesterday so we have 20 havnt lost any yet fingers crossed!!!! :o:o

when we first got our first lot we would have to swirl the flake around in the tank so they see it and they would come out and feed demis are quite shy cichlids as we have found!!!

where did you get them from????

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what do u guys feed your dems?

sorry m8, didn't see this before.

I feed them tetra's spirulina flakes.

But they are naughty and eat hikari aro pellets and cichlid gold as well - those are meant for the loaches, but it makes the africans grow like mad.

they also like pecking away at cucumber and algae tablets.

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