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My blue rams have spawned!


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My blue rams have spawned! They are in a comunity tank and protecting theor eggs well. As they are in a comunity tank I doubt the fry will survive but I will leave the parents to have a go with them before I move them into their own tank.

Anyone who has bred them if you have any advice it would be great.

I also have two other pairs that look like they will spawn soon also. Yay

Havent bred anything in ages so this is bringing back old memories of how much fun this hobby is!

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congrats thats awesome!!

The one time Mums gold rams spawned the parent raised the eggs and were raising the fry, then i removed the parents and the fry died :( so if the parents are doing a good job leave them to it - thats my advice :)

Also buy some decap brine shrimp eggs great for feeding to the parents and to the fry once they are a bit bigger!

Good luck!!

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