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Hi, we are new!


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Hi there!

We are relatively new fish enthusiasts, we got our first tank in march this year, but have been well and truly bitten by the bug!

We currently have three tanks, 2 @ 5 foot long and 1 @ 3 foot. In our first big tank we have 2 Oscars, 1 Electric Yellow, 1 Silver Shark, 1 Black Ghost Knife Fish, 1 Firemouth, 1 Lionhead, 1 Green Severum, 1 Convict, 1 Chinese Algae Eater and 1 Plec.

The second big tank currently houses, 3 Malawi Eyebiters, 2 Blue Dolphins, 2 Livinstonis, 1 Demasoni, 1 red jewel, 1 gold severum, 1 electric yellow, 2 Jaguars, 1 convict, 1 plec and my favourite, a fire eel called ernie.

The third tank is home to four beautiful young blue turq discus, an assortment of neons and a couple of bristlenose plecs.

We have only just discovered this site tonight and its looks just fantastic!

Look forward to chatting with some of you and learning heaps from you all, Cheers!

Nicky and Derek :D

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