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my latest hm spawns


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hey guys

thought id start new thread for some piks of my new spawns

ive only managed to take a few piks so far.. going to upload one now to get it thread going will upload more tomorrow

Orange/ Red pure Hm spawn

first pik is of my pik of the spawn.. hes growing nicely showing decent fin growth compared to others







heres a pik of the blue black spawn they are very small


Heres a pik of some of the honey dwarf gourami fry


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hahah yeah i started the thread then photobucket was down for maintaince..

uploading piks at moment

nothing too special ... fry growing slowly

the blue black spawn ones are showing definate black coloring already at about 4 weeks old

my piks of that spawn suck ! they are kinda small and i prob need to clean the tank glass more and get better lighting

but more for my records than anything

i think a few more weeks of decent food and they will grow lots more therefore get better piks

the red spawn is about 2-3months old but were fed only on microworms in early days so are very slow growing

have since beefed up feeding regimine to aid growth (more brineshrimp and novatom)

trying to feed more than once or twice a day also

this is the first time ive tried novatom so hopefully get some decent results

thanks ADODGE :)

lots easier to feed in the morning when i go to work rather than mucking around with brineshrimp :P

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yup sure will be posting update piks of them as they grow

going to have a few available for sale once i belive they are ready

im amazed how fast the gouramis are growing... they look small in that pik compared to what they look like now ;)

still like the male in the first pik of hm fry.. hes ultra friendly too ;)

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Thought id take a few more piks tonight

mainly to show how much the honey dwarf gouramis have grown this week

added a few more of the other spawns also

Honey Dwarf Gourami @ 1month


Orange/ Red Halfmoon Fighters @ 11-12weeks

got to love fighters around this age they have really taken off over last two weeks prob has alot to do with their diet change also




Blue mask /Melano Black Halfmoon Fighters @4weeks

these seem to be growing alot faster than the orange / red ones mainly due to diet and more regular feeding





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have started feeding them NovoTom , Were chating to Adodge comparing growth (ie her Super Delta spawn is about same age as my orange/red ones , they were concieved same week) hers had grown substantially faster than mine. all she had been feeding them was Novotom from freeswiming stage

i were only feeding microworms (which generally arent best if you want max growth) and the occ lot of baby brine shrimp

and the diff in size was amazing

since ive started on small amounts of Novotom twice a day and baby brine shrimp for the nightly feed all the fry have shot ahead of what they were and having awesome fin growth

i still give them the odd alternate microworm feeding to keep diet alternating also feeding the older ones ground up spirilina flake stuff occ too

Even my fry from the blue black spawn , are miles ahead of where the red/orange ones were at same stage

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so whats novotom? I started mine on just microworms, they had a few feeds of bbs too, then when they consented to eat decap bbs started feeding them half that and half microworms. Now that they're getting bigger i might try some chopped up bloodworms. The novotom sounds good though..

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novotom is a very fine powdered food... its about 10% atermia (baby brine shrimp)

they seem to like it and it give them the same bellys as they get when eating fresh BBS

plus has lots of other things in it to premote fry growth etc

it took a wee bit of tracking down for me to get some down here

its great for me cos its a real hassle trying to feed BBS before work for me since i generally running late... so its easy to sprinkle a small amount in the fry tanks.

i still feed decap occ also :)

i find microworms are a good starter for fry .. cos they dont generally eat too many and they stay alive in the tank for longer without polluting in early stages

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that was the conclusion i came to, i know the bettysplendens woman swears by them. I was so worried about overfeeding and dirtying the water so i stuck to just worms for the first few weeks, then started adding the bbs. Decap are so much easier, but they weren't keen at first, doesn't have that wriggle factor. I imagine the novotom would be the same? And where did you get it from, price?

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most places that stock the jbl novo range should stock if not be able to get it for you

i got my first bottle from bubble and squeek chch

but i had ordered a bottle from redwood aquatics also

so now i have a spare :) doesnt hurt to have backups tho

yeah pays to feed more often of less amounts to stop fouling i think

they took to the novotom straight away guess cos they are smaller than decap i guess

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Novotom floats on the surface of the tank so any current or movement will make it move around. I find it does foul the bottom of my tank faster than other food but it is a good alternative in times of need. It doesn't make the fish grow as fast in the beginning though. I still prefer bbs for this.

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yup it def fouls the bottom of tank if you over feed.. im getting the hang of how much my fry eat each meal at moment so keeping it to a minimum .

def think you cant beat baby brine shrimp .. its just so labour/time comsuming

i just try give them one decent meal of BBS per day and Novotom the rest :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping my thread with some update piks :)

Note took some photos before tank cleaning... should have done it after LMAO!

Heres some of the Red/Orange Hm Spawn @ 14weeks (yes they still small didnt have good diet to start with)






Heres some of the blue/black hm spawn @ 7weeks

they are showing alot of different colors at mo.. a few are red, some are showing signs of black.. one showing black body with red and black fins .. they are being a pain to take photos of as moving around so much




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