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i turned on my male fighters tank light today and could see he is sick, he was sinking to the bottom of the tank, then swimming around in circles violently. he is the only fish in a 30 odd litre tank other than 2 baby bristlenoses who seem fine. he was fine yesterday. he was bred from recently and didn't do his usual great job with the fry, and they didn't survive. his fins look really healthy still. he isn't moving, he is curled on his side in a container i've put floating in the tank so i can keep an eye on him. things are not looking good. what could be up?

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he's about 1 1/2 - 2 years old. water conditions are fine (did ammonia and nitrite tests and both fine 0ppm), other 2 baby bn's fine too. no fly spray or anything plus his tank is fully enclosed. the temperature is normal. the only thing that has been different is he was bred from about a week ago, bred fine but fry didn't survive, usually he's the best dad ever. i think he is dead now, he's sort of curled up a bit and started going stiff... he was a really gorgeous fish, very sad :(

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my test kit does not have a test for nitrates, as its nitrites that are more toxic, nitrates have to be in really big amounts to be toxic.

yes he died, i don't understand why. my other tank that i was having problems with is coming up with clear results after daily testing, i also got the water double checked at pet shop and results were all clear with pH 7.2. this little tank's tests are clear too so i don't think its the water. the 2 baby bn's are still fine. perhaps i'll use this as an isolation tank for the time being, in case the fighter was sick? just keep an eye on the bn's for now. no other sick fish in any of my 3 tanks.

only good thing is i have the fighter's son who is equally as gorgeous as he was, just smaller! i'll have to find him a lady now as ours are too big.

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From your description I would think that he had some sort of stroke, sometimes they survive like it and sometimes they don't. IMO 1 1/2 - 2 years old is pretty good for a fish kept in captivity. I am surprised that you could get a surviving spawn off him if he was older than about 10 months as I find at that age they really don't do any good at raising fry.

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my test kit does not have a test for nitrates, as its nitrites that are more toxic, nitrates have to be in really big amounts to be toxic.

I realise that but its about ruling out as many options as possible. You've ruled out ammonia, and nitrite but not nitrate so you can you be sure he didn't die as a result of high nitrate levels? Unless high nitrates are always accompanied by the presence of ammonia or nitrite (which I am unsure whether it does or not) then you can't be sure.

I think its always a good idea to test for ammonia, nitrite AND nitrate at a minimum. If they are all fine, then you can explore other less obvious options.

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if the plecs are okay i would say the water conditions are fine.. they are normally the first thing to curl up and die if water conditions. ammonia. nitrates.. ph jumps etc change etc or are too high

if hes 1.5+years plus.. id say hes done his dash unfortunately .. some have been known to live 2-3years but anything over a year and half not too bad really :)

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