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Look at my thingy i found :)


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went to pick up some more of the 100's of beer bottles from the swamp out the back, and saw a floating island of plants. A closer look revealed it was a chunk of polystyrine, long taken over by the native vegetation. So i figured since it was technically rubbish i could take it home :)


Its fascinating, i've counted 5 different little plants growing on it so far, and it has that ancient foresty smell. Not sure what to do with it, i gather it needs shade and dampness to keep growing, so i might try the shady dark part of our pond.

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Polystyrene is recyclable but not easily. I don't think any recyclers take it in NZ though :cry:

Some of it is (depends on how it has been made, and density, I think). If it has the recycle number 6 on it and your local recyclers takes number 6 items, then they will accept it apparently.

It would be a lot better if we all asked our supermarkets and other places to stop using polystyrene packaging.

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Polystyrene is recyclable but not easily. I don't think any recyclers take it in NZ though :cry:

Some of it is (depends on how it has been made, and density, I think). If it has the recycle number 6 on it and your local recyclers takes number 6 items, then they will accept it apparently.

It would be a lot better if we all asked our supermarkets and other places to stop using polystyrene packaging.

There is a place in Pororua that turns it in to insulation

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