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Well I have just gotten myself a big tank, 340L. I am very excited as it will be home to my two growing Oscars and one Pleco.

BUT...I have never done this before so I am slightly nervous :-? I'm looking at building a stand for it (have thread in DIY) but I have no idea on what type of filter to use, what size heater or what watt (lol) lighting to use.

I have many questions so I hope you can all bear with me as I go along.

ONE: Where to put the tank? This I am really nervous about as I am in a rented home and would hate for my tank to damage any flooring or carpet because of the weight of it. Any advice on this please?

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Welcome to the FNZAS forums.

Filter, for Oscars it's going to need to be a big one. Canister filter will be best, perhaps a sump if you feel up to it.

Heater, the general rule is 1 watt per litre. 340L tank = 340 watts. Standard heater sizes are 25w, 50w, 100w, 200w, 300w. Perhaps two 200 watt heaters and place them at opposite ends of the tank?

Lighting, considering it's an Oscar tank, lighting should be simple due to lack of plants. You can slap on pretty much any Fluoro tube as long as it looks good :wink: . Being a DIY'er I'd stay away from the lighting setups from petstores as they're quite expensive. Hardware and lighting stores are often much cheaper and wholesalers on TradeMe are even better.

Good luck :)

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If you have a concrete floor, then you can place it anywhere

if you have a wooden floor, then the best place is against a wall.


Best to go with two 200w heaters, for safety

if budget is tight, then go with 1 300w heater and place it by the outlet of the filter.


go with something nice an big, my preference is with a fluval 405

but I know of the aqua one 1200 external filter works well too. No doubt somebody will have other suggestions.

There is no single way in doing things, what works for you is best.

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If you have a concrete floor, then you can place it anywhere

if you have a wooden floor, then the best place is against a wall.


Best to go with two 200w heaters, for safety

if budget is tight, then go with 1 300w heater and place it by the outlet of the filter.


go with something nice an big, my preference is with a fluval 405

but I know of the aqua one 1200 external filter works well too. No doubt somebody will have other suggestions.

There is no single way in doing things, what works for you is best.

Thanks. I'm off to look under the house this morning to check out the floor in my dining area :lol:

Another question, would I get anymore fish in my tank or is it only suitable for my two Oscars and Pleco?

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I would start off with the minimum number of fish possible, and work your way up from there. Not just for the reason of cycling the tank, but also so you get a feel for doing regular maintenance and get everything in balance before you start planning what to do next.

Exciting innit?! :bounce:

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Since you already have a tank running, if you get a canister filter, run it in your exiting tank for a few weeks to seed the bio media, or if you already have a cannister, swap some of the media into the new one when you run it, this way you will cut back on the cycling requirement for the new tank.

If you cannot do this, do not put all of your existing fish in the new tank all at once, as Whetu says, start it slowly.

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Wow thanks for all the input so far. Yes it is very exciting, and that is really cool to know that I can put more fish in if I wish. I will start with the 3 I have now and maybe add later.

First step is too start getting the materials for the stand, then move on to buying a filter :bounce:

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