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i find it hard to kill a fish...

the ones that ive had to put out of their misery ive isolated them into a seperate container ... and put them in the freezer ... i know it sounds cruel... it it lowers their body temperature and they go to sleep..dont freeze them solid tho!

ive only had to do it once.. but it beats stomping them etc :(

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i find it hard to kill a fish...

the ones that ive had to put out of their misery ive isolated them into a seperate container ... and put them in the freezer ... i know it sounds cruel... it it lowers their body temperature and they go to sleep..dont freeze them solid tho!

ive only had to do it once.. but it beats stomping them etc :(

you should add some clove oil first .. so they're not consious. Pick some up from the pharmacy next time you're there. Good to have on hard ... just in case.

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... and put them in the freezer ... :(

That used to be recommended but is now recognised as cruel. They do not peacefully go to sleep, apparently it is rather painful.

Blunt force trauma is SO quick.

The easiest non-icky way I found is to put it in one of those flimsy produce bags and whack it into the concrete, then dispose of the fish, bag and all* (ie you don't even have to look at it).

Never pleasant to do, but I feel happier now knowing it is so very quick for the fish.

(* am trying to be more environmentally friendly now and not using the bag, but it is a good way to learn to deal with it)

Loving the 'big kid undies' thing, and am a strong supporter of telling kids the TRUTH.

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