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male and female betta in line of sight


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ok, I have a male betta and a female betta. I'm thinking of changing things around but they will be able to see each other.

I heard this will intensify the red of the female. But my question is.. will it drive them nuts and stress them if they can see each other but not be able to mate. They will not be in the same tank together as I don't have the expertise or setup to breed them.

I also have a question about spongefilter with airpump. The airpump runs quite hot.. is this normal and OK to run 24/7 ?

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might be a bit mean for the male :lol:

when they first see each other both of them will probably look stunning and show off all day, but once a few days have past and they haven't managed to get closer they'll probably just ignore each other and go back to normal.

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As long as you dont keep them too long its fine. Once they are aware of each others precence, have had a good amount of flaring at each other, the male should then blow his nest and the female should quieten a bit, thats the time to put them together.

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I wasn't actually planning on putting them together.

Is it a bad idea to let them see each other?

In that case no its not a bad thing.

Theyll both exercise their fins etc.. in their displays to each other, and he'll get good practice for blowing nests.

If they want to breed you should let them :) you wont need to separate the fry from each other straight away, then you can sell them.

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if you're meaning putting plain tanks next to each other so they can see straight through, you could just leave a little gap between to slide a piece of cardboard in. That way if they seem stressed or stop noticing each other you can 'card' them so they can't see, and just let them see each other for half an hour or so each day when you want to admire them :)

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if you're meaning putting plain tanks next to each other so they can see straight through, you could just leave a little gap between to slide a piece of cardboard in. That way if they seem stressed or stop noticing each other you can 'card' them so they can't see, and just let them see each other for half an hour or so each day when you want to admire them :)

Hey twinkles you still want my giant? Hes beating up my Oscar at the moment. lol.

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they will be fine together being able to see each other...

id do the card thing... so that they can only see each other for a set amount of time

that way they dont get worn out from flaring so much

this also supposidly encourages decent fin growth giving more full fin spread

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I don't have any melafix but i put him in the hospital tank overnight with salted water and he looks heaps better today. I can only just make out where the marks were so he's on the mend thank goodness. But he's flaring at anything that comes near him now.. feisty thing! The salt water is agreeing him , his colour is beautiful after just 24 hrs!

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my female went crazy and made her own bubble nest, spawned on her own and protected the eggs like a male when I had mine seperated for breeding.

They can be a bit funny, but you should only do this before spawning them or the females can get aggressibne to each other also

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Are they like two red/pink lines down each cheek? If so they're just the stripes they get when they're mating, like the bars on the girls. And they'll go away when he calmes down :)

yes! is that what they are? ..lol, i thought he had hurt himself .. haha .. poor wee fella , i got all his hopes up and then took his dreams away.

my female went crazy and made her own bubble nest, spawned on her own and protected the eggs like a male when I had mine seperated for breeding.

They can be a bit funny, but you should only do this before spawning them or the females can get aggressibne to each other also

she was flaring right back at him but then seemed to freak out every time he charged the side to get closer to her.

I only have the one female but i think I will just keep the two bettas away from each other.

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