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Cycling a new tank

Carlos & Siran

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Howzit, we just bought a 200ltr tank to replace our 100ltr. It comes with 2 Eheim canister filters. But the only spot to put it is where our old one is, so we'll have to brake it down and put the new one in it's place. How do we get on cycling the new tank and filter? as we'll have to put the fish in almost straight away. I guess we'll use the water from the old tank but we've got 2 Aqua clear power filters in the old tank and I'm not sure we can use the media from them for the canister. Anyone got any tricks of the trade??

cool guys

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Can you have the old filters on the new tank for the first week or 2?

When we set up a new tank we take one of the filters off another tank (most of out tanks have 2 filters) and put that in the new one for the first week. This allows the tank to be fitlered (not fully) by the old one and gives the new filter a kick start because it does not have to work as hard

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So the new bigger tank will replace the old one? If so, just swap all over, including the filters. It will just be like them getting a good sized water change. Run the two new filters in it as well then after a month you will have spare filters to set up the 100l as well somewhere else :wink:

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I just did a similar upgrade. I just moved all the media from the old filters into the new canister filter and ran it on the old tank for 2 weeks, then when it was time to take down the old tank, I removed all the dirty water into clean buckets and a large chilly bin (where I also transferred all the fish). Then I moved the old tank away and put the new tank in place. I then transferred all of the dirty gravel, all of the dirty water and the new filter over to the new tank and added the fish. I then topped up the new tank with water. Everything went very well and water chemistry has been perfect so far. :D

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Theres also the little kick start bottles that 'supposedly' get the bacteria in the filter going without having to do a full cycle, don't know how they work though

I used a JBL filter start bottle on one of my tanks.. was fantastic.. never got an ammonia spike at all and am getting acceptable levels of nitrates now so def cycled.

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http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=40571 :D

Theres also the little kick start bottles that 'supposedly' get the bacteria in the filter going without having to do a full cycle, don't know how they work though

I too have used JBL Filter Start - I had really good results - No ammonia spike - I tested every alternate day for about 5-6 weeks. It really did start it cycling almost immediately.

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