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Funny things about my fish are the names that some of them acquire, lol:

I have a pair of blue rams I've nick-named the Pirahnas – we tried having them in a community tank, but they just chase everybody else, and cleaning their tank is near impossible cos they chase and bite the siphon! They do always come out to say hello when you peer in though. :)

Crazy Horse – PK male fighter. A big lil fella that we bought as a 'female'. Well, he grewed up and he grewed crazy. He'll take on anything that takes his fancy, so he's got his own little tank to himself now, but he's the friendliest fighter I've ever had, and always watching what's going on.

Spike - Yellow VT male fighter (who we unfortunately had to put down a couple of weeks ago) – so named because (hopefully you are all familiar with Buffy the Vampire Slayer) – a) he's blonde, b) he's pesky, c) he came back from the dead, so to speak: the day after we bought him, I got up to find he had ich. He got it so bad that we thought he was going to die, but he recovered.

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When I moved house in May, I could only find 3 of my 4 bristlenoses. I looked carefully over all the driftwood to make sure the missing female wasn't hanging on somewhere, but in the end had to accept that she must of died & I hadn't noticed cos they all usually hide.

Last week I had fed some courgette (a rare treat these days) and was sitting quietly in the dark to see if the bns would come out. 2 of them did & were sharing a piece when it dawned on me they were both females & I could of sworn I had 2 males.

So I watched a little longer & in the end I had 4 bristlenoses again! Yay!

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got stung on the finger by a bristleworm one day, end of my finger full of spines

tried to scrape them off with my teeth :o

result numb tongue, numb teeth for awhile :oops:

it hurt :cry:

remember kids these stunts are done in a controlled environment by professionals :roll:

do not attempt this at home

Yowch!!! always pays to have some vinegar around....

reminds me of a time on the west coast, hoping for surf but no good... so mucking about making beach sculptures. Warned friend Not to mess with or even touch those BLUE things!!! started on our way and had some munchy stuff in the car; He says "wow! are these supposed to be so Spicy?!" uh, no?! tend to ignore a bit, cuz he's a "complainer" :roll: but then extended complaints and "hey! do my lips LOOK swollen?" yikes!!!!

yes, the silly git played with bluebottles ;didn't seem to hurt hands, but the lips sure felt the effect! The Funky Fish thought our request for 2 beers and a bowl of vinegar a bit odd! It did seem to help though....

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