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Baby Bns


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Yippppppeeeeee, my BNs have had babies, i saw several this morning they are about 2cm long and almost transparent ,i bought the pair from someone on here out west Auckland way i think. Its so very exciting ..... :lol:


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Me too :bounce: :bounce: they are fantastic fish to watch grow. Once they get started they are pretty reliable about doing it again and again.

Ah Mel?

Aww congrats :bounce: :bounce:

I know how excited you are, I had my first lot of BN's not so long ago - they are soo cute when they're tiny

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I was beginning to think my breading pair had done their dash, just shows it takes while to settle into a new home. The babies are all over the place some are cleaning the top of their cave, do they have many bubs ???? and do they need any special food??


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ekkkkkkk , i saw a baby up the filter inlet pipe. I hope i haven't lost any that way..... i found some hair net to put round the inlet basket thingy. Otherwise all is gong well,no idea how many yet as they seem to have found hiding places all over the tank.


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Be very careful when cleaning out the filter as you may find a few fry have made their way in there! I have almost lost some down the sink over the years.

Yeah I even tipped some out on the grass while flushing out the Ehiem canister with hose.. they are beggars to get out of filter! Do the best you can to stop them getting in there. (some would have been inside the filter 3 weeks or more - didn't phase them any) I never lost any to any of the above rough treatment.. just plenty of zuchini's, that's all they needed. I've got some baby's over 70mm long now. Any takers in Lower Hutt for good sized 'baby' Bn's?


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