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freshwater pufer


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the guy at the store told me they needed a little bit of salt in the aquarium is tonic salt okay?

Tonic Salt is used for healing fish, if you want to increase the salinity then Marine Salt is the stuff you need. As jolliolli said, true FW Puffers don't need or want extra salt.

and are they hardy and easy to keep and can they be feed fish flakes?

They can't tolerate Ammonia or Nitrite and may be hard to wean off live (or once-live) food if they're not already on flakes. May need snails to keep teeth in check.

So no, they aren't that hardy and I wouldn't recommend them for a Novice Aquarium Keeper.

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hey guys im whanting to get a fresh water pufer and the guy at the store told me they needed a little bit of salt in the aquarium is tonic salt okay? and are they hardy and easy to keep and can they be feed fish flakes?

Freshwater puffers live in rivers, and sometimes come into estuaries. They do benefit from a small amount of marine salt in their water from time to time. If you are going to do this, get a refractometer so you can measure the salinity or don't bother.

They can't be fed flakes. Well, they can, and some will eat them, but puffers need a high protein diet (they eat meat almost exclusively) so you're better off feeding them mussels, crab and snails.


This thread is a good start - not all of the info will be specific to FW puffers, but feeding and other requirements are still similar.

Contrary to popular belief, if you introduce puffers to an established tank and choose healthy fish, worm them once you get them and feed them well, remembering to give them water changes every week, you shouldn't have a problem with them. Just remember, they might eat all your other fish.

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