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I tried adding a small one in with a medium size one but the small one got bullied so I took it back to the shop. I would suspect that there may be problems of two on one. Sometimes it could be territorial. Changing the tank around putting in the new one for a little while then adding one of the old ones then the next day adding the other one may work. I have never tried it but would be interested in knowing how you get on as I have one and interested in getting more. Good luck.

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I dont think it would work mate, I think you better pass it on to me. :wink:

No way! look at his avatar, you could never trust him, best I take it off your hands and see how he plays with my ornate, he/shes too lazy to get in a fight.

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what if you put a glass wall in the tank and the new one on one side, so they can see each other and have their own space for a bit before meeting properly? I walled of the end of one of our tanks by getting glass 1mm wider than the tank and burying the bottom in the substrate, with a spare suction cup either side of the top.

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I find that hard to believe, you'd think there would be some on trademe if he had that many. The fry are serious cannibals, maybe thats what he meant...

It was from a pretty reliable source, he sells em to fish shops, it was from a LFS employee that I heard it from.

Maybe he does have a pair and just feeds out extras to keep the price up....I dunno, I'll chase the source and let you know.

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