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My fish keep dying!


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OK, so I've had issues with keeping my fish alive for ages, and finally tested the water this evening.

Results are:

Temp - 28.7ºC (Heater is set to 20ºC!)

pH - 8

NO2 - 0 mg/L

NH3/NH4 - 0mg/L

GH - 120 (Moderately hard)

KH - 80

This is an AR-510 aquarium (I'll have pics up soon!) with the following fish:

1 Corydoras

1 White Cloud Mountain Minnow

3 Glowlight tetra

1 blackline tetra

1 bristlenoses

The minnow and the bristlenoses have been in the tank for at least a year and never had any problems.

The blackline was originally part of a school of about 10, same with the glowlights. One by one they disappeared and corpses were never found! Although at that time I also had a large (for the tank) Siamese Algae Eater who liked to chase and nip at everything that moved, so I'm suspicious that was a big contributor... The Algae Eater has been found a new home at Animates Mt Eden (about 2 months ago).

I also originally had 3 corys - again 2 have disappeared without a corpse!

What's going on in my tank?

I've been considering taking drastic action and pawning the remaining fish off to somebody with a hospital tank (any takers?!) and emptying the tank, cleaning it thouroughly with bleach etc, and letting it cycle for a few months. Then starting afresh with something completely different (like pretty cichlids!).

Has anybody got suggestions?

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welcome to the forums haakuturi :hail:

just a few questions

did you buy the tank originally as a complete setup?

what substrate and decorations do you have in there?

ph level would be good for africans

how do you clean the tank now

a picture would be good as well

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Wow thanks for the quick reply!

I've had the tank setup for easily 2 years.

It's a complete setup (AR-510 - about 75L, with inbuilt filter/lights/hood).

substrate is just dark gravel

plants are mostly Java Fern attached to a big piece of wood (looks damned good if I say so myself).

I'm a bad bad person when it comes to cleaning the tank, but generally I just suck up all the general muck with the siphon thing and normally take out 2 buckets worth of water. Replace it with Aqua Plus'd water and away she goes again :)

I'm working on the pictures - links'll be up in a few :)

Pics - http://picasaweb.google.com/cerddorion/Aquarium?feat=directlink

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doing weekly water changes may help your system function better

remember it is an enclosed system and food added produces waste from the fish which can slowly pollute your water

bacteria can keep your tank in balance but with older water it can only take a little overfeeding to tip the balance and cause a spike

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It could be a combination of things which are not always easy to find. Regular water changes would go a long way to sorting your problem. Tap water is usually around Ph7 -7.2 which would be much better for your fish.

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