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brine shrimp


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ok....i sure wont be disheartened.. :wink: i will continue to breed them until i have a success. :wink:

there something i still not quite sure of:

1. im sure i havent overfeed them, as i only took a teaspoon of shrimps (together with hatching mix of coz) and feed them. i see baby fish eat only a few of these shrimps. so i decided to feed them 4 times perday.

2. is feeding 4 times perday overfeeding?

3.or is it because shrimp will die in fresh water causes toxic water condition?

4.i remember when after i feed the them i do a 25% water change. these makes baby platties die too?

i mature and kept in the fry in the breeder tank since the hungry community fishes will eat them.


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firslty what size is the breeding tank? secondly you shouldnt be doing water changes so often its not healthy! only do it every three- four days with fry, thirdly i dont understand why you are feeding platy fry bbs?? its to much of a pain in the but! it would be much easier to feed them commercialy crushed flakke food or micro daphnia! fourth four times a day is not overfeeding as long as they can eat ehat ur feeding them! cuz otherwise your gonna make the water yuck! i doubt that it was the bbs that cuaed the death, i think it was probably the water changes!! becuz it cuzed undo stress and a few other things i cant think of right now??

Cheers Shae

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they are good for platy but a pain, and i waist of time! if i were you i would use either microworms to start wiith or commercially ground up flake food or like i say micro daphnia! they r very easy to culture! the kapi-man club meets at 20 mexted tce in linden at 8pm on the last wed of every month and were always looking for new ppl to join! i think its about $20 plus bring a dollar or two for some cake and coffee etc

Cheers Shae

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originally had them givin to me and then cutlured them!

culturing daphnia is easy once you've got some just put them in a container or small tank and feed them every now and them with a peice of lettuce and theyll breed like wild fire, then all you do is get ur net and scoop it through the container and feed it to ur fish! the ones thatr left will keep repleneshing the population!

Cheers Shae

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Shiuh.. You say...

im sure i havent overfeed them, as i only took a teaspoon of shrimps (together with hatching mix of coz) and feed them. i see baby fish eat only a few of these shrimps. so i decided to feed them 4 times perday.

You should "not" include the salt mix at each feeding.

oh sorry i dont a breeding tank.. its a one of those breeder trap container? i wanted the fry to grow quicker so i feed them bbs. if bbs are not for platy fry so what fry are they best feeding for?
Almost "any" fry will be happy to take baby brine shrimp if they are big enough, and four times a day is not excessive.. "provided" they eat everything you are feeding them.

You can of course feed finely crushed flake food instead if you wish.

Killifan.. You ask..

I've been to your website Pegasus and been reading about live food, but am a bit puzzled. With infusoria particularly and daphnia, what doI look for. you mention infusoria making the water cloudy, do I just tip this cloudy water into the tank for the babies or what?

The infusoria is the microscopic life that accumulates in such things as a flower vase, where the stems of the plants have started to break down and turned the water cloudy. Often a flower vase stood on a sunny widow sill will show signs of this.

Other methods of procuring infusoria are through Infusoria Tablets from your LFS.. or by using crushed lettuce and an old banana skin in a bucket of old tankwater which has been left outside for a while.

You "can't" see the infusoria with the naked eye (apart from the cloudiness).. but they are very visible under a microscope.

Daphnia... Water Fleas.

These can often be obtained from your LFS.. or can often be found in small pond on farmland where stock have been drinking.

Also how do you know when fry are able to move onto microworms
Size basically, and usually a fish fry that can take BBS can move onto Micro Worm after about a week.

HTH :)

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dont be disheatened by it i lost my first couple of drops because i was inexperienced! you'll learn that certain techniques work for the individual! in between 4-5 weeks you'll have another drop! so write down the date the mom dropped and then you'll be able to monitor when you should put her into a birthing trap or tank! i have had the same problem this month to! alot of my breeders die from stress of birth, and very bad broods of which i could only save a few!

Cheers Shae

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Good advice LB :)

Sorry about your losses Shiuh, but the next drop is just around the corner.

The thing you have to find out now is "Why they died".. and try to avoid the same situation occuring again.

If you post details of what you did, and some details of your setup and tank readings, then we might be able to isolate the cause.

It is highly unlikely that it was the BBS.

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well..i would say too much water changes. i do 25% water changes perday. the sensitive fry died due to changes in water condition which they cannot adapt to? i guess that is not healthy. i stick to once a week.

yea...not the bbs that causes the death. by the way i tried to feed the bbs yesterday and put them in a light source for a while. then i found they all died as well? die because of heat?

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If you are losing fish there is a reason, you just have to find it.

do you test the water for nitrates, nitrites ammonia ph, if so what are the levels.

how old is the tank, what size is it, any other details you can tell us??

sorry if you have already posted this info, have not looked back


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