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yah my fighters are spawning :) + pics


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*jumps up and down in excitement*

last week i tried to spawn my lovely boy with a blue hm girl, he ate her fins in seconds, then she hid for a day, then she swam around the back of the tank while he tried to entice her, but neither really seemed to know what to do. She stayed all barred up all week, he didn't attack her again so i waited and waited. Occasionally she'd go over to the nest and wag her tail at him and then he'd look confused and either chase her or run away. So after a week i gave up and put her back in her own tank.

Then last night i put in a big girl who's been in our community tank, she's bigger than him and acts really bold so i thought maybe she'd shove him in the right direction, she didn't waste any time and chased him to the nest and helped enlarge it as soon as i let her out this morning. Just went to check on them before and they are spawning :)

I could watch for hours but don't want to disturb them, so just taking quick peeks to see how they're getting on. Ms 4 is equally fascinated by them, the girl is one of her fish. I've seen them embrace properly 3 times and the other 2 times dads stunned himself instead, oops.

So i'm excited! lol.

Dad is on my avatar and mum is green, her fins aren't quite as wide as the first girls but i'm sure they'll be lovely babies none the less if i can get them that far. Fingers crossed dad knows what to do from here and doesn't eat them.

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all i got with my camera was a few seconds of video, then the batteries went :(

don't ask me for advice lol, i know nothing

they're in a two foot tank for spawning, filled about 12cm or so, with an indian almond leaf making the water yellow and the bubbles sticky. Don't know how much difference they make to spawning but thought i needed all the help i could get. Parents been conditioned since i got them on bloodworms, brine shrimp and a tiny bit of flake. If they make it to free swimming i'll get some batteries and get photos of them :)

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lol I started off with VTs as I would have been heartbroken had I killed HM babies


A fish is a fish no matter what it looks like. How would you like it if you were cared about less because your tail wasn't as fancy?

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A fish is a fish no matter what it looks like. How would you like it if you were cared about less because your tail wasn't as fancy?

lol well i felt bad about the others too but it's not me that puts the price on them

to be fair I'm not fancy looking

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i've got tails :bounce:

expected them to hatch in the wee hours last night, so i jumped up this morning and ran to look, couldn't see anything. Tried not to worry that they'd been eaten because i've already thought several times that he'd eaten the eggs, then seen them when i've looked again. So just went and stared for a third time this morning and finally found them, a few tiny tails hanging down. They are lighter than i thought, i was looking for black tails but they're more pale, is this ok?

Nearly impossible to see since he's moved them to the back of the nest, very clever move on his part - the back of it has just a few centimetres between the bubbles and some big wide amazon sword leaves underwater, so when they drop he can bend down, pick them off the leaves and spit them back up without moving. They seem to be staying stuck in the bubbles though, he's just carefully inspecting everything to make sure he hasn't missed any.

Squinted cross eyed at these miniscule threads of tails for a few minutes, then decided i need to buy a magnafying glass.

Why don't people add that to the list of suggested items to buy before trying to breed lol.

Anyway fingers crossed for me still, i hope the tiny threads can make it to free swimming :)

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Have to agree a Magnifying Glass is a great Tool at a time like this, I did the same thing with my Angel Eggs, amasing just how much more you can see through a good magnifying Glass. :o

I wouldn't worry about the tails being pale in colour, they will colour up as they get older :bounce:

Sounds like Dad is doing a Great Job :hail:

Hope you get them to the Free Swimming stage :bounce:

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i looked first thing this morning, managed to count about 5 tails, really hard to see them at all since they're far away from the front of the tank.

Looked again a couple of hours later and couldn't see any :o

So i took dad out, and searched for ages but my eyes were getting blurrier and blurrier lol.

Looked again an hour later and counted two babies, sitting straight on the surface :bounce:

i'm sure there's at least a few more in there, will have to wait for the nest to fall apart more before i can tell.

so i'm pleased they haven't all been eaten, maybe even none have :)

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unfortunately early days yet.. hopefuly ul get couple that survive..

of the spawn ive got they are about 5-6weeks old now.. have had numbers fall off a bit

but seem to be stable now...prob a good 30+ at moment

were abut 70ish to start with tho..

one of my spawns i managed to get 178 fry to survive to adolescents

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I generally find that theres about 3x the number I see in the first 2-3 days. At about 1-2 weeks you will get a better idea of numbers and then you just have to keep them alive. The first 4 weeks is the hardest as this is when the ventrals develop.

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I lost my blue hm female this morning, carpet fish :(

she was in a tighly hooded tank, with only one tiny 1 1/2cm gap for the cables :(

me is gutted

but on the positive side my babies look to be doing well.

i'll have to start searching for another true hm girl :(

re microworms, what are you feeding them? I had one lot that weren't going very well, so i started a second lot and that took off and overtook the first one in a couple of days, don't know what was up with the first ones. Maybe just try a new culture?

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aren't they cute? :D

counted 18 this morning, definately more there than i first though. They've grown so much too, its hard to believe, i think they're about 3 times the size they were when hatched. Week and a half old now :bounce:

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