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Holy Leaf


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Hi everyone,

A question about plants, I have mostly sagatarius(spelling) in my tanks and it seems to develope these many small holes on the leaf. I would call it shot holes like in regular plants but smaller. My tank ph is around 7, And temp is between 26-27 degrees, I do 1/4 water change every ten days or so and the tanks have been running for about 4months. Can anyone shine some light on this for me.

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Thanks for your reply, I have platies and mollies in there, a pleco and a cory in one tank and gouramis, glows plecos and cories in the 2nd. there are the odd snail but i have been removing them(3). The holes dont tend to look like they have been eaten by an insect(snail) so much as the leaf itself gets thin and then disapears. dont know it that helps.

any suggestions for my 32L tank, 2x colbalt blue gouramis, 1 sunset, 4x glow tetras, 1x zebra cory and 1x pleco. I feel like I need something else.

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You do need something else - a bigger tank! Don't add anything more to the 32L. If it is a common plec, it will have to be moved as these grow up to 60cm and should be bettre in a 200L+.

Are the holes in the plants in all the tanks? If not, I would suspect the plec is sucking holes in the leaves.

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