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Sore Betta?


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Sorry, I can't help. Its not dropsy so may be bacterial or has she got herself stuck somewhere. If the filter is strong she may have been sucked against it before. Is it possible to get a picture side on of the actual area or is it just on the top of her back.

You could try isolating her and adding 1gm of rock salt per litre of water and leave her in it for a couple of days.

Was this for me ADodge?

If so, the filter isn't that strong but is turned off now anyways, had a different one (HOB) in her other tank. Her side seems to have healed up, it's just her back and cadual fin I'm worrried about. Can I dose rock salt in her current tank? How do I measure rock salt?

If not, my bad.

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Would it be the water quality overnight though? That is so weird.

I would think that since she healed up so nicely when protected in the basket (in the old tank), it must be something in the tank...

For a fish by itself in a tank that is in such condition, it will be the water quality.

Personally, I would cull it because it's a waste of time trying to save it. Money spend on furan2 is better spent buying another one.

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Would it be the water quality overnight though? That is so weird.

she was already sick and though signs were gone she may have still had it and the change of tank and water conditions brought it all back with a rush

Then the tank didn't look so clear from the ends

would possibly have been better to do a waterchange on that tank rather than move everything into different tanks and water

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I had done several water changes with no effect. It was getting worse and the best I could do was a tear down.

Fish died yesterday R.I.P.

The tank she was put in was fine as I had my male in there less than a week ago.

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  • 1 month later...

my female betta is now looking like that - maybe worse ! I quarantined her about 10 days ago because she had a broken ventral fin and was looking a little patchy. 1 week with added salt and she was doing great then yesterday her body condition looked worse with more patchiness and it looks like she's been eaten by something! Just like the picture of Sams betta. I added acriflavine yesterday, today she is worse and didn't want to eat.

She has wedged herself above the top suction cup of the heater so she can get air more easily and I don't think she's going to make it :-( Before I euth her I want to know if Bettas can make a recovery after looking so near death or is she pretty much a goner now? I do have furan but will it be too much after just being in an acriflavine bath for 2 days.

I pulled up this thread becuase I wanted to compare notes and look at Sams girl again.. and yep almost the same - so that will give you a reference to look at.

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