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Mosses in NZ


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Well after managing to get through 11 pages of topics from here:


I found this one:


it got me thinking that i might like to set up a tank with just moss so i did a bit of searching and all i got was java moss and Willow/Christmas moss

Is that all of the mosses that we actually have in NZ?????

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The Fissidens fontanus looks awesome.

That would be my fav one as well esp. on that bit of wood

Can we get it here though??

thanks for posting the second link N1CK!

it's only like the 300th topic that i had read through :lol:

(and one to rival ur fav 1600gal tank, cept its a pond :D(and only 700 gal))(pg 21 has good pics)

http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/tank- ... oject.html

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