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What can you put in with a Killie?


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How about Killies, Killies and more Killies :wink:

Sounds good to me - but I also like the bristlenose clean up team - can we have some of those too? Oh and what about skunk loaches? Someone gotta keep the snail population down. If they hang out at the top surely they won't mind some mid range swimmers and some bottom feeders?

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so far I have had together in my community tank (200L) Gold Australe, Clowns killies, ottos, cory, Kuhli loach, chain loach, borneo suckers, GAE, blue rams, rummy nose and neons. not all at the same time but the killies have been with all of the others and I have never had a problem.

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I have australes and scheelis in with guppies, with no losses, but they did go in there quite small. I think if i put my big scheelis in with them they'd probably have lunch, where as the ones who have always been there don't take any notice of them except when there's newborn fry, but hey so do the mother guppies lol. I guess it would depend what size killies and type you were getting. As well as guppies they share with female bettas.

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