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spotty clown loach

Carlos & Siran

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Aww man, the missus noticed tell tail white spots on our clown loaches tail last night, I kinda panicked, my first fishy disease. But after reading a bit about it I don't feel so bad.

We suspect it came in with some Neons and Danios we bought on the weekend. So we turned the temp to 30c and dosed with blue circle and we just bought a small tank off trade me to use as a quarantine tank, so hopefully we can have that set up before this weekend as we ordered 2 mates for the clown loach, he doesn't seem to be very happy on his own, and now with the white spot he seems really agitated, poor fulla.

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Clown Loaches are Scale-less Fish, which make them abit more sensitive to meds than other Fishys, you should really halve the dosage it says on the Bottle.

I have Clown Loaches too, so if I get an attack of White Spot, I up the Temp to 28 then I dose with halve the dose they say on the Bottle, then re-dose again 3 days later, after doing a Big Water Change.

The White Spot will have most certainly come from the Neons :roll:

Good Luck :hail:


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Yep, I agree with Lindyloo. Also be aware that your loach will be happy in the higher temps but your other fish myay suffer. Some people recommend using either the heat treatment or medication - the combination of the two can be very hard on some fish.

Do keep a close eye on everyone in the tank, and make sure you have lots of surface agitation to get plenty of oxygen in the water while the temp is high. Be prepared to do water changes to dilute the meds if necessary, but be careful to only change the temperature gradually so you don't stress the fish more than necessary.

Good luck.

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Yup, he's in the same tank. We're getting an airline tomorrow.

Temp is sitting at 28c, don't want to play with it any more. PH is 7, Ammonia and nitrite tests were neg.

My first thought was perhaps lack of oxygen but everyone else seems happy, even the clown seems better after the water change.

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Got the airline in, looks cool. yeah, he's still acting strange,sitting on the bottom, then sort of flicking along on his side one minute, then floating vertical straight up and down head up by the neater then next. Maybe he's just eccentric.

Got the quarantine tank, hopefully get that all cycled next week.

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He was acting peculiar before we noticed the ich, we see him flash from time to time, but not heaps, I just read that fish can sometimes flash after a water change if there's a significant change in PH.

Though our water comes from a natural underground spring and has a real steady 7ph, and that's where I keep it in the tank, so we'll just watch him after the next water change and see what happens.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't believe it, we bought 2 more clowns from our lps last weekend(exactly a week ago) and put them in quarantine, they have seemed happy and contented and unstressed, but my step son just noticed a small amount of Ich on them both.....go figure. The PH is 7.2 and I've done 2 water changes in the last week.

Is it the pet store? should we complain?, or are clown loaches just too advanced for a beginner?

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don't let it discourage you.

clowns are incredibly easy to take care of provided you give them good food and high temperatures (28 degrees +).

despite the popular belief that they do not have scales, fact is they do have very very tiny scales, but their heads do not have any scales. they are more resistant to salt than most are willing to give them credit for, and are far hardier than you would be led to believe. I now have 12 clowns (4 of which i have owned for more than 3 years now) and they are my favourite fish.

put some salt in your water, and you will be surprised at how they play with the crystals, and swim around the salty water.

how many clown have you got? (you will be surprised how many people wonder why clowns are stressed and unhappy when they get only 1 or 2 of them). so if you have a group they will be happy as.

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Cheers for that Phoenix, I feel a bit better now.

Clowns are my Fav too and me and Siran have discussed having a clown tank one day in the future.

These are the only two so far, we were hoping to get another 2 today but we ran out of time, thank god for that....

Can I use table salt or do we use uniodized salt?


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I use rock salt. plain old rock salt. i chuck a handful or two in the tank, and all the loaches come out to play. its quite amazing.

I haven't had white spot in my tanks for more than 10 years. the other day I got 8 Clowns that I had myself quarantined in a shop for 9 - 10 days, and medicated against white spot just incase they got it. feeling happy that there were no problems, I bought them home, and left about 6 of them for the shop. Alas, the next day I saw white spot on them! I was furious and nearly hitting the wall in rage. chucked another handful of salt in the tank, and they came to play. they literally rolled around in the salt which i thought was weird yet cool all the same.

the next day the white spot was gone!

so i went into the shop and saw the loaches that i myself had quarantined also had ich! re-quarantined the fish and now all is well.

I think the parasites (like most other external parasites) are intolerant to salt, and must have dropped off or something.

Stress can cause ich - (it sounds weird for an animal to stress itself to the point of contracting a disease), but the stress of not being in a big group (juvi's like being in groups, adults are not as fussed or twitchy if not in a large group) reduces the immune which makes them susceptible to diseases. Much like students (if you call us humans :lol: ) who stress them selves before exams and then fall sick. :lol:

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