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My partner has a 900l reef tank - I have decided if I can't beat him (he is obssessed with the tank) I'll join him. However, marine reef tanks seem a little time consuming for me so I am about to set up a planted community tropical tank. I'm looking at getting one of the new Aqua One Aquience 175l tanks and using an Eheim 2224 professional canister filter and Jager heater :roll: . What would you suggest in terms of a safe numbers of fish to introduce initially while the tank cycles? Also, thinking of using JBL Aqua Basis Plus as the substrate. Should I mix this with normal gravel for the substrate? Do you have a preference between Seachem Flourish or JBL Ferropol Liquid Fertilizer as a plant supplement? Hoping to set the tank up within the next 2 wks - will post some photos of progress.

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My partner has a 900l reef tank - I have decided if I can't beat him (he is obssessed with the tank) I'll join him. However, marine reef tanks seem a little time consuming for me so I am about to set up a planted community tropical tank. I'm looking at getting one of the new Aqua One Aquience 175l tanks and using an Eheim 2224 professional canister filter and Jager heater :roll: . What would you suggest in terms of a safe numbers of fish to introduce initially while the tank cycles? Also, thinking of using JBL Aqua Basis Plus as the substrate. Should I mix this with normal gravel for the substrate? Do you have a preference between Seachem Flourish or JBL Ferropol Liquid Fertilizer as a plant supplement? Hoping to set the tank up within the next 2 wks - will post some photos of progress.
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Thanks 4 the suggestions and welcomes. Yes you are right (JazzyJeff) the tank does come with AquaOne CF1000 & 200w heater but my partner (the marine expert!!!!) thinks that Eheim are the Mercedes of canister filters & likewise the Jager heaters. Although a little more expensive the may be a little more efficient and last a little longer?? Besides, may as well spend more $$ to help out the economy! Have read that heating cable under the substrate can be beneficial for plant growth along with silver sand- is this something I should go for or just another toy to add to the increasing power bill? Where can I get silver sand in Tauranga?

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hi queen angel. welcome to the forums. :bounce:

I too like fluvals and eheims as you don't have to muck around with them at all. plus many are willing to pay more for convenience.

ok so with this tank you'd like to plant out -

what sort of lighting does the tank have (what K tubes, usually a number like 6500K, 10000K, 18000K etc)?

JBL aquabasis is a good plant substrate, but if you choose to go for undergravel heating (they are usually 5-15W so you will probably not notice a difference in power consumption) you make a zig zag pattern going from the front of the tank to the back, working across the tank. then you put the substrate on top, and strategically place a few plants in such a way that they can grow out once the roots establish.

as suggested earlier, only use liquid plant supplements like PMDD and flourish etc once the plants show a little growth.

since you are wanting JBL substrate, you may as well go down the DIY CO2 route and make your plants even happier. for cycling the tank, I would recommend zebra danios as they are hardy and look really nice in a group and are always active.

HTH. ask away of you have any q's :bounce:

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Thanks for the feedback Phoenix44. The lights are a 2 x 24w T5 Fluorescent Light System. The tank is 80cm wide, 55cm high & 45cm deep - so hoping the lights will do a good job & keep both the plants & fish happy. Is it ok to introduce 3 or 4 of the zebra danios when I set up the tank on day one to get the cycle going or should I wait a week or so?? I pick the tank up on Saturday so getting quite excited about spending the weekend setting it up - like a kid with a new toy at xmas :bounce:

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the light should be good. I know the new tank feeling haha.. itss awesome. LOL

you can introduce about 4-6 zebras and leave them be the day you get the tank, and feed them well - their poop will start the cycle.

don't get more fish until the tank has cycled.

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