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Prayers and positive vibes thread for my Calypso

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Hi everyone, Calypso came home today. But he has slept the whole time. I woke him a wee while ago to try and get him to eat, but he wasn't hungry. Had a wee walk around his terrarium but bumped his blind side a couple of times. It will probably take him a while to get used to it all. He's gone back to sleep but i will have to wake him later for his meds. It's so nice having him home. All going well he goes back in a week for a follow up. The results should be back by then. I probably sound like a nag bag, but i really do appreciate the prayers and positive vibes from you all. Thank you all very much.

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Hi everyone, we are still waiting to get the results back from the lab. Calypso has to go back to the vets for a check on friday. He's not been very hungry, but has been having some cat food via a syringe. He is still on the antibiotics and painkillers, but the vet said painkillers aren't so important now. Half of me wants to get the results, the other half just wants to forget they ever exist. He still enjoys spying on Sweety which is so good to see. :) Thanks guys for all your support.

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Hi my friends i have some GREAT NEWS. Calypso is going to be OKAY. The results came back this morning and when the vet told me, i felt like it wasnt real hearing the news. I have been on cloud nine ever since. He is off the pain killers now and the last dose of antibiotics is sunday. I am so thankful for all the support all you guys have given me and Calypso, and i feel so happy and relieved. Hopefully as he adjusts more to life with one eye, he will get his appetite back. If the area starts to swell any time i take him back and they will remove the foam, but apart from that all going well he doesnt go back for a month. THANK YOU EVERYBODY SO MUCH. :P:P:P:P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Elaine and Doza, thank you for asking. I just typed a long reply and then my computer lost it before i submitted it. Grrrr.... Some days he is really active, but other days he just sleeps alot. He is still having trouble eating, he used to always eat from my hand but now he won't hardly do it. Some days he will eat a few wax worms, I put them i a coloured dish so he can see them and tilt them up to him, or on his ledge if he is resting his front legs on it, and if he spies them ok he will usually eat them, but alot of them just crawl away. He doesnt seem interested in other live food at the present. He doesn't have much of an appetite, so i give him a little bit of cat food in a syringe when he hasnt eaten for a while. But he says mummy is a mucky pup because he ends up with cat food dribbling down his neck.

He goes back to the vets in just under two weeks time for a re check.

The stitches are still visible, and the area still looks a bit of a mess, but thats to be expected.

He sends lots of love to Doza. How is Doza getting on with his bent tail? He is such a cutie.

I brought Calypso this crocodile ornament the other day and at first he didnt like it, but today he was sitting on it. He looked really sweet.

Thank you for asking about my wee man, take good care.


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