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Upside down Angel!


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Hi Folk

Can some one shed some light on my Angel....Every now and again he starts swimming upside down - looks like he is on deaths door.... Then comes right again! His fins are looking a little raggedy as well. The other Angel (who is in good health) - a bossy female is picking on him a bit.

Can someone tell me what is going on?


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Hey there

Thanks for your reply and the welcome!!

Oh yes.... I would love to put her somewhere else..... The toilet sounds good! Ha ha! (Nasty big thing she is!)

These two have been together for years and have always got along.... This swimming upside down thing has not happened before...... But looking at them now he is asserting himself and pushing her around a bit.

Time to get "Mr Net"out, scoop her out and give her a bit of a talking to!

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when you say upside down, do you actually mean upside down?

can you post a pic of them?

also if you add your location to your profile someone local may be able to help you out. you can do that by going to the control panel and customizing your options.

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He is definitely not good.....but as I mentioned before, comes right! Swims upside down, and sideways along the bottom and cant seem to get his balance - starts to look as if he is on the way out, then comes right again.

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:o maybe I should've been more explicit with the instructions..it's alright as long as you haven't overdosed the water, I take my Discus out for epsom dips should any of them pig out on algae wafers and get constipated :roll: - beats treating the whole tank 'cos it's really harsh on some of my plants
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The salt dip seemed to work! He is looking a lot more like his usual self.... Perhaps it was the thought of being dipped in salty water that made him come right! (dont panic everyone - it was a very weak mixture!)

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I hope he comes right for you. The 'picking on' each other aspect might be that they are preparing to breed. If they have that in mind they will challenge each other and lock jaws (kiss). sometimes it can get a bit rough and they might get mouth fungus on the injuries. So if he's already sick, that will all be extra stress.

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