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A little help on planting a new tank?


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Just setup a new tank today. 27L, 40cm long, 27cm high and 25cm wide. Got some coarse sand from Mitre10 Mega and some schist I had lying around. I washed the sand heaps (there was ALOT of dirt in it) but the water is still cloudy at the moment. Here are some pics:





Does anyone have any ideas on what I should plant in it? I have JBL 7 Balls, sufficent lighting and will DIY CO2 inject too. Im thinking hairgrass at the back and perhaps riccia at the front?

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Also, I was going to put my aggressive female Betta in there. What else can go with her? She attacks her sisters but seems to leave other fish alone and she'll probably be able to stand up for herself against slightly aggressive fish.

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Hi sam, love the rocks by the way. I think alot of the plant ppl in here would be able to give you good advise as i dont know much about the requirements but i would guess the hair grass might do well at the front too, glosso if you have the patience? Perhaps something longer growing (or faster) at the back? Bettas look awesome in planted tanks. Good luck.

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Thanks Phoenix and Imsweet.

Tank is less cloudy this morning but I'm still going to wait a day or two.

The Hairgrass in my 20 Gal seems to be doing very well even though the Bacopa, Polysperma, Narrow Leafed sword and others are all dying. I need a new light tube but $50 at Animates is just too much.

That link you gave me Phoenix is really cool except for the bricks, I like the more natural decor. I want the hairgrass more towards the back because it's about 10cm's tall.

Does anyone have any Riccia or Glosso I can buy off them? Can't seem to find it in the shops.


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Hi Sam,

There are some on here that have both Riccia, and Glosso.

For glosso PM "Supasi" and see if he has any left.

Most stores don't stock those plants because of the level of care they require. But you should have no problems getting some on here :D

Do you know why the other plants are dying? what's happening to their leaves? I always took more care of my plants than my fish; :o :lol: they make a tank look sooo good.

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I'm pretty sure it's the light because it was all good up until a month ago. The plant promoting tube looks heaps dimmer but I haven't got around to replacing it. All the plants in my other tanks are doing really well though.

Here's some pics of it this morning:





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I've just planted the tank with some hair grass and added my Betta and BN. They are settling in well (not surprising, it's more than half their old tank water). Waiting for it to calm down and the bits of grass to be cleaned up by the filter. Hope all goes well!

Here are some pics of the tank now:








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Your hairgrass might grow better if you loosen up the clumps and spread it out a bit more on the substrate. Did it come planted in rock wool? If so, did you remove all the rock wool from the roots before planting it?

Check out this article from Tropica on handling and planting new plants - I have found it very useful.


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