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DITHER FISH amazing how quick they did the work


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I have 6 red shoulder severum in a tank that is set up for them..lots of overhanging rocks, plants..works well except too well ..they were always in the shade or undercover. I was pleased with the setup as it was a good example of there natural world...BUT..I wanted to see more of them as they are about 70 mm so showing good colour..enter the dither fish..I includer a pair of pearl danios & a pair of silver tips ...within 1 min they were out swimming around mid tank as the dither had shown them all is safe..now they are all over the tank happy as...yea to the dither.

darrell :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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Yeah I have to agree there, I always put some guppies in the dwarf cichlid tanks to help them feel confident, they steal most the good food meant for the cichlids but are worth it with how much more settled the dwarfs are with them in there.. Sometimes you can get away with removing the dithers once the fish have settled enough.

On another note where did you get your red shoulder severums from? Are they the hybrid ones that are being sold? Or did you find a good source of them?

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lol nah there are some dodgy ones out there I was just wondering if there was a good source of them out there, typical story when one person breeds some rubbish and passes it on it puts into doubt all fish of that strain.. A little birdie tells me there might be some good ones popping up in Chch in the future though.

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