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Long time lurker, decided I should really register.

From Christchurch. I have had multiple tanks over the years but have finally settled with a decent 250L set up and some smaller tanks. Currently have 2 running with a 3rd in the garage as a project. Hoping to set up a decent sump filter with that one and run the other tanks off it.

I have had a tendancy towards catfish over the years and love the rarer plecos. Currently I only have the 1 - an L142 Snowball Pleco. My favourite pleco I've ever owned was a Vampire Pleco many years ago. I'd love to get another one. I believe it was an L240.

I like having schooling community fish in the tanks with the rarer fish as you will see from my signature.

250L tank has recently finished cycling. I've just thrown some zebra and leopard danios and sterbai corys in there as well as the harlequins and bristlenose used to cycle. Looking to move my recent purchases of a chocolate knife and snowball pleco into there soon once I am absolutely sure it is 100% stable.

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Can't say I've seen those around. Typically not what I'd consider for a community tank, but they look interesting.

They seem to be great community fish :)

Also, whats the temperment of your chocolate knife? Do you think he would eat small fish? Is he the one from organism a while back?

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I bought the one from Organism a while back but he died in their tanks before I picked it up. John got another one in and I got it.

Seems to be fine with all of my fish. My experience with ghost knife fish is that provided you give them a nice home, they'll give you no problems at all. They don't like it when other fish come into their homes though.

I've only had this choc knife 1 week, but it hasn't bothered any of my fish that I've seen. I have some emerald eye rasboras in the same tank and they're not exactly large fish. Will be interesting to see how it goes long term though once it is fully grown.

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I've only had this choc knife 1 week, but it hasn't bothered any of my fish that I've seen. I have some emerald eye rasboras in the same tank and they're not exactly large fish. Will be interesting to see how it goes long term though once it is fully grown.

Cool, so they're around the same size as ember tetras i think and thats the smallest i have in the tank that i want a choc knife it :)

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Pics of new 4ft tank as requested.

Tank has been running for 2 weeks. Filter and gravel were pre seasoned so cycling only took a day or 2. Plants started as small cuttings but have been shooting up quickly. Patches of glosso around that have just been put in. Hoping it will take although unsure with the gravel.

Front view:


Side (left) view:


Side (right) view:


Snowball pleco introduced today has found a new home with a couple of glass catfish:


Angled (from right) view:


Angled (from left) view:


Chocolate ghost knife introduced today has also found a home. Good spot to be able to see it:


Edit: If you are outside of NZ you won't be able to see those images. Try http://phantom.bubbledome.net.nz/tanks/ instead.

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Thanks :D I'm going to re-arrange the plants once I've worked out how they grow. Hoping the glosso will take, but unsure yet.

I'm thinking of adding another 10 emerald eye rasboras and 10 harlequin rasboras to the tank, or maybe some rummy nose tetras. I want some schools of fish for the middle water.

As far as the vampire pleco goes, I had one many years ago and I'd absolutely love another one. Don't have one at the moment :(

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I'm thinking of adding another 10 emerald eye rasboras and 10 harlequin rasboras to the tank, or maybe some rummy nose tetras. I want some schools of fish for the middle water.

Hi there,

If you decide to go with the rummynose, I May be able to get some cheap from a breeder i know for you.

But I'm not sure if he's still breeding tetras atm.



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Could be keen on those rummy nose if you do know where I could get some.

As far as lighting goes, I just so happened to start a thread about it. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=39159

1 x 36" T8 30W 18000K Power Glo tube. (Looks pinkish when on)

1 x 48" T8 40W 18000K Power Glo tube. (Looks pinkish when on)

2 x 36" T5 24W Cool white tubes (other than f748 no real markings to work out details - got it 2nd hand).

I've thought about discus, but from what I've read they can be a lot of effort.

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