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Neons Tetras seem lethargic??


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Hey all, i have 8 neons and 1 bristlenose in a 20L tank. they have all been fine as up until i did a 40% water change almost a week ago. i put in stresscoat when i did it. but now the neons seem to just sit on the bottom, they still are colourful and come up to eat but just dont swim around like they used to! i tested the water and pH is 6.8, zero ammonia and nitrites. i usually do a 50% water change and they have always been fine. the bristlenose seems as good as gold. its just the tetra im concerned about. i can see any obvious signs of disease, altho i have treated them recently for whitespot and this is why i did the waterchange. should i maybe dose them again?? i just dont know........

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oh its 22degrees. its always been about that and i turned it up just a smidge thinking they mite get cold coz of winter :P to 24degrees but have since turned it down to 22 and they still sad! they seem to nly swim around when ppl go near the tank. maybe they are bored!

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Temp should be sitting round the 27 degree mark,

Sometimes a good idea to up the temp to around 28 when treating for white spot, this speeds up the White Spot Life Cycle.

Maybe do a water change and Treat again for White Spot if they are still present.

How often are you doing a 50% Water Change??

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Well, I would think that would be part of your problem, you should be doing a water change weekly really, if you cant do it that often at least fornightly would be great.

Did you gravel vac while you were treating for White Spot, the White Spot Cysts will fall into the water when you are treating with medication, you really need to vaccum them up.

I mostly always dose twice, if my Fish have had White Spot, it only take one White Spot Cyst to start the Cycle off again, Normally I leave the Fish to have a 3 day break in between the 1st and 2nd dose.

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Pop the temp upto 27ish, see how they go with that, will be interesting to see if the warmer temp gets them moving abit more :wink:

Would be ideal if you could try and do a water change a week, I'm sure we wouldn't like to be swimming around in our waste products :roll:

Good Luck with it, let us know how it goes :D

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Hi, sorry to hear your fishies aren't to well.

For a tank that is only 20 litres you should really be doing water changes EVERY week or even twice weekly - I would up the water changes to every other day and maybe turn the heater up to 24-25, neons don't like being to hot and see how they go.

What kind of filteration do you have in there?

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