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Inanga nipped by Koura?


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By the looks of it my Inanga has been nipped by my koura, and I'm wondering if there's any cause for concern?

The fin still has 100% mobility, but the entire base of the fin is blood red. I can't see any visible damage, so I'm hoping it's not some sort of infection or disease. It must have happened in the last 8 hours because I spent a bit of time watching/feeding them this morning.


I've got Melafix here, but I'm not sure if it's safe to be used with my Koura/scaleless fish, would it be a good idea to dose anything? I just did a big waterchange on Friday.



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So it lost that big area of fin at the same time?

I find natives heal up really well from injuries. I always keep a really close eye on it but nothing dramatic has ever happened.

Looks to me like some sort of bruising from the fish trying to get away from the fin being grabbed. Bruising shouldn't cause any problems, and if your water quality is good and the fish are healthy the fin will grow back with little fuss.

My old inanga had most of his tail bitten off by a koura once. It was right along the boundary between the fin and the body. Amazingly it started growing back. However the fish was ancient (3+ years) and was T struggling to keep him in any sort of decent physical condition, so it took forever to grow.

Impressive photo. Most inanga photos consist of a blurry tail disappearing out of the shot!

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It doesn't look like it's lost any flesh, maybe a tiny tear under the fin. But I've never seen them damaged before by my Koura. I believe my Koura has a pretty good disposition, it generally just pushes the fish away rather than trying to nip, unless the fish get right inbetween it's claws and steal it's food. Which they try to do on occasion and generally get away with it.

29/5 - Fish is back to normal, these guys heal quick!

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