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HELP! Discus not looking Happy :-(


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I bought 5 Discus off Ron about 5 months ago, 4 out of the 5 are doing really well, they have grown so big, but one little fella hasn't seemed to have grown much at all, he is either a Snakeskin or the Blue Turk, not sure which.

He just doesn't seem to eat, I feed them ColourBits Granules, but this One Discus seems to go for the Food but never seems very successful at catching any, it's as though he goes to catch the Food but always misses it, I decided to start hand feeding him awhile back with Tubifex Worms, that all the Discus Love, but he still doesn't seem to be growing, he is looking rather thin now :-(

He is starting to be picked on by the other Discus, I'm now thinking maybe it would be a good idea to put him in a tank on his own and try and fatten him up, then transfer him back to the Discus Tank that he came from.

Will he be ok in a Tank own his own or should I put a few other Fish in with him?

Any ideas what I can feed him to encourage him to eat, he seems to have lost interest in Food, I have tried a smaller Granule Fish Food thinking maybe the Granules I was feeding him are to big, but no luck there either.

They get feed a combination of ColourBits Granules, Bloodworms and Tubifex Worms Im lost as to what to try next for him.

Any help would be great, really hoping I dont loose this Wee Fella.

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Hi Linda sorry to hear this :(

IME you will always get one that is a slow grower and won't reach full potential,its quite normal.The way to minimise this is larger numbers in bigger tanks but even then 1 or 2 will be slower growing.

You could put him into a tank with smaller Discus and he might then take off but that is extra $

Its possible to bring skinnier discus back into shape in a tank of there own with daily water changes and good food including earthworms,oxheart mix,tetrabits, Frozen Blood worms and good quality flake but I have only done this with adults, not juvies .

Try the bloodworms I would be surprised if he didn't go for them.

Good luck,


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I'm also sorry to hear that one of them doesn't grow.

Put it in a small tank own it's own and raise the temp to 31-32 with an airation in tank. Treat with metro at 1 tab per 40ltrs water. It would be perfect if your treatment tank contain 40ltrs water. Waterchange and redose daily for 5-7 day. Then slowly bring the temp back down to 28. Do not feed on first day of treatment. Start feeding a little of BW or colorbit on 2nd day.

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He's not looking good this morning guys :cry:

I put him in a 50 Ltr Tank last night, I transfered water from the tank he was in, to the Tank that he is now in, raised the Temp to 31, just been out to check on him, he's now floating on his side, not sure there is much more I can do for him.

Is it possible for him to recover from whatever the problem is, or would it be kinder for him if I put him out of his misery :cry::cry:

Ron: Thanks for your reply, You have suggested to treat with Metro Tablets, can you tell me where I can get these from? I'm hapy to give anything ago if it will bring him back to good health.

Thanks for your help everyone, will keep you posted as to how he's doing, not sure he is going to still be with us by the time I get home from work this afternoon. :roll:

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Just got home from Work, News isn't good :cry:

My Sick Discus is now DEAD :evil:

I guess I did all I could for him at the time.

Thanks for your help anyway Guys :hail:

Ron: That would be awesome, Thank you so much :bounce: How about you send me another 2, Anything in the Orange Colourings would be great, I'm thinking I'm probably better to get 2 rather than 1, as they wont be the size of the One's I have in the Tank now, dont wont the new Discus to get picked on, let me know how much I need to deposit into your Bank Account, think I still have your Bank Details here.

Look forward to hearing from you :D

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they're hard to bring back from the brink and I find it more humane just to euthanase ..lost one that was being picked on so severely by the big guys from another breeder :o big bullies.

Mine weren't happy last night - had their routine prazi dip (also an excuse for me to weigh them to see how much form they've gained) and I have to say Ron the snakeskin of yours is a downright piggy lol did not expect all that force and mess from it

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The other 4 Discus are thriving :bounce:

Can you tell me Amy where do you get the Prazi Dip from and how often do you use it? I gather this is for Worms?

I'm seriously looking at getting some meds for my Discus just in case I need them.

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Hi Ron,

The Discus I have range from 80cm to 60cm from head to the beginning of their Tail.

Not sure which one it was that died, you sent me a Rose Red, Pigeon Checkerboard, Super Melon, Snakeskin and a Blue Turk. The Snakeskin and Blue Turk both looked very similar, it was one of those that died.

Would be fantastic if you could send me 2 of a similar size to the ones I already have.

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Hi Ron,

The Discus I have range from 80cm to 60cm from head to the beginning of their Tail.

Not sure which one it was that died, you sent me a Rose Red, Pigeon Checkerboard, Super Melon, Snakeskin and a Blue Turk. The Snakeskin and Blue Turk both looked very similar, it was one of those that died.

Would be fantastic if you could send me 2 of a similar size to the ones I already have.

I wish I have a 60cm-80cm discus to offer. It would need a monster tank :lol:

Look at the fish and count the number of vertical stress bar on it. That will tell you whether it's a SS or turk.

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So how big is the SS now.

Hey Ron - the SS is at least 10cm in the body length now (not including tail) :D always the first to food offerings, closely followed by the Turq and the Pigeon :bounce: :bounce: It seems like mine are on steriods lol

Lyndyloo - you can get either Droncit worming tabs and just dissolve before dosing or Prazi is a cattle wormer (correct me if I'm wrong) that you can ask the vets for I think?

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:oops: Well, what a Dummy I am :oops:

I'm sure you have all worked out by now, that Ron isn't breeding Discus quite this BIG yet but who knows, give him a few more years and he might surprise us all :wink:

That measurement was meant to be 6-8cm, counted the Stress Bars on the other Discus and counted around 7, some are more faint than the others.

Just done a google search to have a look at some pictures of Discus, I'm thinking I lost the Blue Turk.

Will leave it upto you Ron, I would be happy with anything of similar sizing to what I already have in the Tank.

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How would the Super Melon x Checkerboards go with the ones I already have Ron? Size Wise I mean.

I'm sure if I got 2 together they would be fine, Let me know what you think :-)

Can I ask what are PE's :oops: I have no idea what these are.

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