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Freshwater Puffer info needed


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I'm getting 2 puffers in a few days and have researched most of what I need to know, but thought I best to ask to see if any other puffer owners had any info they would like to share?

One I would like to know is what temp do they like best?

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Completely depends what sort of puffers you're getting.

The most common FW puffers here are dwarf puffers. They're best kept at about 24 - 27deg.

What size tank do you have, and do you have snails breeding to feed them? What are you planning on feeding them?

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Thanks for the info.

acara, the Colomesus asellus look awesome, sort of wish those were the ones i'm getting.

Have quite a few tanks and snails in most of them so that is not going to be a problem, and what i've read is they like to be feed blood worms so that is what I was thinking of giving them.

I believe that they are dwarf puffers (but could be wrong, they look like them) will post a pic later

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oh ok, so is it actually bad for them to have blood worms often? even though there will all ways be snails in the tank?

Where can I find a good area to get freshwater shrimp from in wellington region?

They will be in a 35 liter tank for the first 2 months of there life (there only 8mm long at the mo) then will be moved to a 110 liter tank

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I wouldn't keep snails in their tank all the time. You'll probably find they'll gorge themselves on all of them straight away. Puffers don't have many muscles or bones in their tummies, so they can actually eat so much that they explode. :(

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Crabs from rock pools, mussels, frozen shrimp. I buy a frozen pack of mixed raw seafood, and it's lasts me about 6 months. After that time I throw it out, rather than run out. It costs about $4. Then I also feed live crabs and snails, and they're good to go. Just don't feed the same thing every day or they'll get bored. That's why the seafood mix is good, it has octopus (big puffs fav) and mussels (little puffs fav) and shrimp.

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:) ok sounds like a good idea. I'll start a thread tonight about them. They just moved into their new big tank this morning, so I'll take some pics and make a post. Any particulars you want to know other than what you mentioned?
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