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Unplugged heater


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Hey guys,

Yesterday I did a water change and clean up of my whole tank, floor around it moved out the couch from in front of it, and when I moved the couch back I didn't notice that the cord was stuck around the leg and had pulled it out of the wall.

So since yesterday at about 1pm My community tank has been without a heater. However the temperature didn't drop enough to notice yesterday it was only this monring that I saw it was 16Degrees. I now have currently got it back to 20.

I have put in a couple bottles of warm water to float and did a water change with the hose going out while I was bucketing in water but slowly increasing the temperature every 2 buckets.

So far No fish have died (touch Wood) But my discus are slow and lethargic which is expected. Is there anything else I can do to reduce their stress? Oh I so hope that none of them die itll be a miracle but so far so good. Especially for my discus when their used to 28. The Synos and 2 Lace Gouramis have been through all my tank ups and downs so I think they are pretty hardy.

ARGh such a stupid thing to like not double check.

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Oh ok. Im heading out to uni but I have closed all the blinds and turned off their lights Won't be home until late. So the dark should help. :)

Oh Im going to be worrying all day. The temp is at 23 now so its gradually increasing hopefully up hill form here

:) Thanks

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All is well, All fish are going good. Theyve been in the dark all day and temp is back to normal.

I think I paniced more cause of the discus cause they are very tempermental with temps and 3 of them are Are just new to the tank so were already adjusting to the tank and then this happens. :)

But thankfully I looked at it this morning and will never ever do that again!. :)

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