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Wellyboys first Aquarium !


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After doing a fair bit of reading i have just started my first aquarium.

Its a tropical 60L tank and i have added drift wood and river stones for decorations. I have a 'Hailea Hl-bt700' Internal filter which i think is a bit strong(pumping 690Lph) But i have angled it at the glass so its all good. :D

Currently i am cylcing it, and i have one of my brothers platly and 3 Guppys to help.

After the cycling is complete i was going to give them back to him and start fresh with a mix of my own fish. Although i have started to get a little attached to them :-?

So yup that pretty much sums it up. But i would like some suggestions on fish.

Heres the link to the photo, Its not very good sorry.

http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3 ... 1488663090

Thanks, Dylan.

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Welcome to the forums.

Find a schooling fish you like and maybe start with 6 - 10 of those and add a few cory's and a bristlenose... or wait and see what other ideas you could find. Its hard to recommend fish not knowing what you like but maybe neons / harlequins / golden barbs, those are what I looked at when I first got a tank

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Welcome to the forums.

Find a schooling fish you like and maybe start with 6 - 10 of those and add a few cory's and a bristlenose... or wait and see what other ideas you could find. Its hard to recommend fish not knowing what you like but maybe neons / harlequins / golden barbs, those are what I looked at when I first got a tank


I like the idea of a large school, but something colorful. I like the Guppys because of their wonderful tails.

Just a little question, how do you add photos? i would like post my tank.

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Welcome Aqua! :wink::bow:

If you are not too sure wats out there, go visit some Welly people and have a look to wat they have, might give you some ideas. :-)

(You are always welcome to pop out and see our tanks, but we dont have small fish) :lol:

Haha thanks for the offer :D , but i have quite a few friends who keep fish . But yea it defiantly a good idea, i have mostly been surfing the web. :bounce:

I have liked a few things in particula, like the Bolivian Ram . Its coloring is amazing. But also it would be nice to see some personality in the fish. platys can only be so entertaining :roll:

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Heya Dylan, Welcome to the forum!!:bounce:

...a lot of the tetras look great as a school - however, they don't usually school unless they're chased or scared.

I like neons, glowlights and rummy-nose tetras, as well as conchu blue and ember tetras... all available locally! :bounce:

You really will need a four-foot tank soon. :lol: then you can have a really big school as well as lots of kuhlis.



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Heya Dylan, Welcome to the forum!!:bounce:

...a lot of the tetras look great as a school - however, they don't usually school unless they're chased or scared.

I like neons, glowlights and rummy-nose tetras, as well as conchu blue and ember tetras... all available locally! :bounce:

You really will need a four-foot tank soon. :lol: then you can have a really big school as well as lots of kuhlis.



Haha hello Hellen!! :D

Yea i know the four foot tank is not far off, :wink:

Boy im going to need a job !!

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