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Raising Red Whip Fry


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At long last my pair of red whips have gotten jiggy :bounce: I have done some looking into raising the fry and it would appear they are tricky to keep alive, what's the secret boys and girls? I am getting conflicting advice from the web and would like to hear from someone who has actually raised them successfully a few times.


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I've found with Royal Whiptails, Sturisoma festivum, that you need to have a relatively dirty tank because the fry feed on microscopic critters in the muck. You still need to do water changes but don't vacuum the bottom. I don't know if Red Whiptails are the same but I wouldn't be surprised.

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only time my common whips bred was when i neglected them and the tank was majorly overgrown with indian fern. may of been feeding microworms but cant remember tbh. only had 6-10 get to adult size

They still lay aggs every so often now but if i see wrigglers they dont last long :-?

definately seem abit harder to raise compared to bristle noses.

good luck the reds are very nice

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I had a chat with Mannie (Malawi man from T.A.) yesterday and hes has enlightened me. It would appear that the greener the tank the better, he even supplied me with some nice alage covered moss to give my grow out tank a kick start, a light on for a few days 24/7 should give the little buggers enough to eat ....fingers crossed. I'll let you know how I get on. :-?

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only time my common whips bred was when i neglected them and the tank was majorly overgrown with indian fern. may of been feeding microworms but cant remember tbh. only had 6-10 get to adult size

They still lay aggs every so often now but if i see wrigglers they dont last long :-?

definately seem abit harder to raise compared to bristle noses.

good luck the reds are very nice

Bloodworms, 27.8 degree water and a good cold water change worked for me.

Siphoned off the fry I could see and transferred to a grow out tank once free swimming.

Try that Mincie they are probably much the same. Let me know if that works.

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Thanks Melrick, They just needed the right temp and some privacy to get jiggy.

They are still alive, after a week, tiny still but active, I have them in green water with some really manky Java moss and other plant trimmings. daily 20% waterchanges, leaving sludge etc in the tank for them. I'm adding a small amount of decap BS eggs, but am unsure if they are feeding on them.

Fingers crossed.

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2 weeks on from free swimming.

They still appear to be doing well (hard to see through the green water) but pics will be hard. I have anchored a piece of silverbeet which I am unsure if they are munching on and replaced the decap with microworms. 20% water change daily. they are about 10mm long now but still pretty much all tail.I leave the light on 24/7 to keep the algae going strong, I will reduce the on hours to 12 after this week as they should be moving off algae onto more solid food over the next few days. I'm trying to get a good daphnia culture going in a spare tank with the excess green water from my water changes, I have never had much luck keeping daphnia inside so fingers crossed.

the more reading i do on these guys the more i find that they appear to prefer a meaty almost Hypan diet, I am worried about constipation tho. do you think a very small dose of epsom salts once per week would be an idea?

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