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Sick goldfish - HELP


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The children at Seddon School are very upset as their goldfish is sick. I have been to see it and have no idea what is wrong. It is in a nice 26L or so tank all by itself and has been happy there for almost 12 months.

The water in Seddon is straight from the river and runs through a UV filter. It is a bit on the acidic side but pH doesn't worry goldfish. A few weeks ago it started excessive pooing and could produce 15cm strands several times a day! Poo was same colour as his food. Otherwise his behaviour was normal.

Now, the poor thing looks like his skin is sloughing off his body. To me it does not look like it has fin or tail rot but bits of skin are dropping off. Ammonia, nitrates and nitrites and all are excellent according to my test kit.

It now sits on the bottom, upright, dorsal fin still erect. Breathing is normal. Gills not inflamed. It has lost a bit of weight but that is because it has gone off its food recently. It is not hollow bellied. It is not pooing as much either, probably because it isn't eating much.

The kids have propped a cuddly toy (Cookie Monster) beside the tank in an attempt to cheer the fish up but it doesn't seem to be helping.

Any ideas please?


The skin coming off is most noticeable on the white areas. It is not an over-production of slime coat.




The 3 white bits on top of the gill are bits of skin falling away.

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Poor BEAUTIFUL fish!!! And poor children!!

Have no idea what it could be - I had a similar thing happen when I started my fish on new food, All sorts of weird things hapened to them and all but one died :( Check the food...?

Otherwise could it be shedding due to some kind of irritant?

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I would be raising the PH as goldfish prefer over 7. Use some oyster grit which will do it slowly so as not to stress the fish. I would also add some plain salt to help with healing and watch that the children are not overfeeding. Perhaps do a gravel vac just to make sure.

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The children do not feed the fish. The tank is in the principal's office. She feeds it and is definitely not overfeeding.

I have found, from experience, that goldfish really aren't too fussed over pH. It comes out of the tap filter very acidic too, it isn't that it changes in the tank itself.

We could certainly raise it but since it has been that low from the beginning I doubt it is the actual cause of the flaking.

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Caryl wrote:

The kids have propped a cuddly toy (Cookie Monster) beside the tank in an attempt to cheer the fish up but it doesn't seem to be helping.

Ah, that is so sweet, where as some adults would just say just flush it!!! :evil:

Gee, I don't know what could be happening. I was ready to think that maybe the ammonia was high till you said that tested ok. Darn, just before I was reading somewhere, can't remember where though, and it did recommend goldfish have a higher pH. So, might be something at least to look into if all else fails.

Keep us updated...I'm still so proud of those little ones :P:P


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Better than he was but not good. Did all as suggested and he perked up for a few hours but is back to just sitting on the bottom. Not feeding so not pooing much now. At least he does move when they tap on the glass or put their hand in.

I am at a loss as to what else to suggest. We took out water from the town supply in case it was a local problem but it didn't make a difference. Added salt and Stresscoat. Also tried Melafix.

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