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Kribensis & dropsy what is going on


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Sorry to hear about the loss of your Kirbensis :(

Do you do regular Water Tests??

Important to have your Water Parameters spoton to keep Happy Healthy Fishys :D:D

Be good if you could post them on here so we can see whats happening with your Tank

What symptoms are they showing to make you think they are dying of Dropsy??

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thanks for reply

my water is Aok

the fish suddenly become swollen, listless then within 24hours bloat up with scales all sticking out then croak.

I have a short fuse with sick fish so send them off to the big fish pond in the sky without hesitation despite what they cost.


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Sorry to hear about your loss :(

There is quite a bit of info on the net on dropsy

http://www.google.co.nz/search?hl=en&q= ... arch&meta=

This one is pretty concise


It quotes water conditions and food as 2 possible causes and says it results in a bacterial infection.

As your water was fine and all of them got it then I would say somehow you introduced something via your food, I don't feed bloodworms at all because they are known to cause problems but don't think that would have caused all of them to die.. Maybe something in the mozzie wrigglers? Or one fish got run down and sick and the others caught it? Do you have the 5m with 1f? It is likely all the "spare" males would have been beaten and maybe stressed while the pair were breeding?

I have seen drospy like symptoms a few times, just randomly though it has never spread the last few times I have managed to get the fish out and treat it with salt/antibiotics. The fish have recovered (scales gone down and resumed normal diet) and after a month of being clear they were reintroduced to the original tank, neither of the 2 I treated ever bred or lasted long after being treated so think it damaged them internally.

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I find that the more I feed bloodworms the more dropsy I get in my fish. While there is no proof that this is a cause I know that if I only feed once or twice a month I don't have problems but if I up it to once a week the odd fish will get dropsy and if I feed it more regularly then more fish will come down with it. Once I stop feeding them then no more dropsy!

As I said 'no proof that bloodworms cause dropsy'!.

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