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Blue ram ciclids


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Hello all :D i've recently brought 2 young blue rams the lady at the shop that wasn't very helpful lol, said that they should be a pair. In the light they generally hang out together, but when the lights are turned off, they start confronting each other by locking lips for five to ten seconds and other funny body movements around each other. My question is, is this a pair or two of the same sex fighting?

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Hey Anvil this topic has been discussed alot here are some search results..


This forum now has a really good search engine so before posting just do a quick search and you might find your answers without posting..

But in general males have longer 2nd and 3rd fins of dorsal, females have pink belly's, some people talk about blue dots in the spot but I don't go back that..

Good luck and pics would help too.

Also how old are they?

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Lip locking can be sizing each other out for breeding... It can also be 2 males fighting to see who is the boss.. Not a good behaviour to rely upon when trying to sex fish..

If you see them hanging around together and maybe cleaning rocks or an area of the tank that is a good sign :)

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Will post pics asap. Size is about 2.5cm not including tail. Dorsal fins on the small one is third and fourth highest, and the bigger one is second and third. The smaller one appears to rule.

I tried to use the search engine but it said i was not permitted to use it?

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So, OP, so you understand how to sex them now?


Went to a fish shop in hamilton today on a plant buying mission, and saw a tank full of Blue rams smaller than ours and could tell which were females straight away (thanks to your guys excellent guidance :wink: ). So I'm pretty sure they knew they were giving me two males, just to make a sale. But on the bright side, I've read that if you can get two pairs to live peacefully together the male will go to the edge of the other pairs territory, and show off.

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They're great little fish, and getting a breeding pair and trying to breed them is a great challenge. You should try giving it a go, there's a few people on here who have got babies. My male died recently, but they got wrigglers a few times, and it's so great to watch!

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Sorry to hear you got 2 males :(

I would be careful thinking that you can get 2 pairs to get along, it might work but your tank would have to be a descent sized 3ft and your pairs fairly evenly matched in size/aggression..

I agree, I wouldn't put 2 pairs together after knowing how aggressive my male was; he'd give my angels a run for their money!

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