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Why do some petshops tape up the corners of the fish bag?


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I was bringing home a few ember tetras for my tank and the pet shop guy had taped up the bag corners. One of the tetras got stuck in one of the folds created by the tape and was looking very sick when he escaped so the shop gave me another one free. the sick looking one died a couple of days later. So Why do some petshops tape up the corners of the fish bag?

And also currently I have 7 ember tetras and 1 sparkling gourami in my 30cmW by 30cmH by 60cmL aquarium (about 50 litres). I do weekly 25% water changes and it has a good HOB filter. How many more ember tetras could I add?

Thanks :bounce:

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some fish bags have sealed corners, to avoid the L shape edge where fish can get stuck when travelling in the bag.

others like some local stores, have normal bags, and tape up the corners so that fish do not get stuck in the corner.

the idea is to create a smooth round bag, so no fish get stuck.

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the aquaone bags cost on average 3 - 4 times the price of the normal bags, so smaller LFS's may not use them. it all works the same, there are ways to make sure the fish dont get stuck in the corners when you tape them... but sometimes bad stuff happens.

kudos to the dude that gave you a free fish just in case :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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