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Tunze 7607/2


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As i said, its primarily for protecting a $1,000 return pump for roughly $250 more (or of course alot less if it were diy). Who knows where a leak may occur - especially if I went away for a weekend,.. or even a day,... or possibly even 5 minutes? The main tank and refugium are "protected" by overflows. The sump is protected by nothing, nor is the plumbing between each tank and nor is extended power failure or failure of a dosing pump for topup due to evaporation. Its a risk im not willing to take as warranty is void if the pump fails from running dry. Question is about these particular units, not whether I need one or not.

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You could do something about a top up, but what are you going to do if your main tank leaks when you are away.

Would be better to get a IKS computer that can send you a text when the sump is low or other problems, i think this would be a better investment.

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cellphone is overboard for me. its a matter of putting my money where failure is most likely. That is with the sump running dry and destroying a $1k pump because my $25 timer that controls dosing pump for top up shags itself because im away on holiday.

i agree in one way that my sump design could have been better. better in the fact that the area that feeds the pump (after the 3 micro-bubble reducing baffles) only holds about what I would guess to be about 40 odd litres. evaporation is about 5 litres a day from what I can gauge so far; about a week leeway.

i will wait anxiously for those who will say "yeah, but your main tank has all your corals, fish etc which is where the money is". my answer to that is the risk factor. The main tank has an overflow, safe to assume (taking away glass cracking and closed loop plumbing failing) that it is fine. I am covering my arse where failure is MOST LIKELY - that is failure for top-up via dosing - either I fail to remember to top up fresh water resoviour, timer fails, dosing pump fails etc.

Plumbing is always a possible failure but much less likely. Glass cracking on any tank is even far less likely.

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I think the Iwaki can run dry anyway?

I agree with an over complex sump and KISS.

If your return pump stops you have much bigger problems than just a dry running pump. Your tanks not being filtered or heated or toped off or calcium added or anyting.

Build a system that can't fail. Think about it like this. If you TUNZE unit failed and turned of the IWAKI your tank would crash. Without the TUNZE unit this could never happen.

What situation would cause the tank to run out of water? Maybee spend the money of fixing that problem insted.

Gadgets and toys for the sake of having them.


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if I remember rightly, he said his return area was about 40l, 10l is probably the minimum before the pump starts to run dry, this makes 30l with 5l evapouration a day, thats only 5-6 days before it runs dry if the top up fails, and that will be even less when evapouration increases with the warmer weather. alot to risk IMO.

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But this risk is only that the pump could run dry, which would be noticed if you where home (bubbles into the display tank). And if it happened when you where away the tank would die anyway.

I have my sump designed that it will run dry in 3 days without top off. That way I know if the top off system isn't working. The person that looks after the tank monitors the level in the sump, and if it falls they jsut bucket in fresh water directly.

Wouldn't have it any other way.


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doc - exactly what Im trying to do.

pies - theoretically this is the same as mine. it should run 6 days @ 5 litres evaporation a day or 3 days at 10 litres evaporation a day (again, since the install is relatively new, I havent monitored this exactly yet)

I have elected not to get the Tunze. Instead, i will be building my own fully automated system that will hook into my PC. It will have redundancy and intelligence built into it. Of course, it doesnt mean I will be relying solely on the computer and componentry to perform regular maintenance tasks or checks, simply to assist where necessary.

I will sell you all a system in 6 months time when its fully designed and tested :D

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Solution:Throw a heater in the main tank in case the return pump fails, Should keep it warm and there will be other circulation in there. Lack of calcium and filtration won't cause a problem for the couple days it takes to get back from your weekend trip.:)

Of course, that kinda defeats one of the reasons for having a sump.

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