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Not breeding? Maybe leave them alone!


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I've been trying to breed my BN for nearly 2 years now with no success. I reluctantly gave up, thinking my 2 females were sterile or just not interested. I made them so many caves, redesigned my tank, used pure rain water, planted, unplanted, changed lighting time; everything. About a month ago, I gave up and just started to enjoy them. Well, what do you know, 3 weeks ago, I looked into the tank, and realized that there was daddy fish with a big bunch of eggs. They've all grown into busy little things rushing around the tank. Then, I looked in the tank again on saturday, and saw that daddyfish has MORE eggs!!

I've also been ignoring my lionhead cichlids, and went down yesterday and there are 2 lots of babies in their tank!

So, maybe the moral of the story is just chill out, sit back and let them do their thing. You never know what might happen!

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Thats what happened with my whiptails, tryed for ages to breed them and when I gave up and found a buyer they spawned lol!

Same with my angels, no action for 3 years and when I went to give them away they spawn when my friend came with all the stuff to pick them up.

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