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Tips on Breeding Neons


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Has anybody got any tips on breeding Neons :hail::hail:

I have 40 Neons at the moment, hoping to up that to 80 in the next few days, surely I can get at least one couple to breed for me out of the 80 I will have :lol: :lol:

To be honest, I dont even now how to tell a Male from a Female :oops: :oops:

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im sure there are some excellent articles on this forum about it, as well as some threads that had heaps of information about it, try using the search function on the top right hand of this page and see what you come up with.

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Yeah there are heaps of articles..

Males are skinny females are fat when fed up well, easiest to tell first thing in the morning before you feed them.

Breed them in pure rain water with peat in a fully blacked out tank the eggs are photo sensitive, there are various methods for protecting the eggs google is your friend :) You want to seperate the sexes to condition them i can't remember the exact ratios that do best think a couple of females to a male, you don't want too many in their otherwise the ones that aren't breeding will eat the eggs.

I don't think getting them to breed is the hard part raising the babies is being photo sensitive and very small and sensitive when first hatched. I think people generally say that neons are the same to breed as cardinals so most suggest just doing them because they are more expensive and alot more impressive in a school, not that a thousand or so neons wouldn't be a great display.

Tips in there might help



Good luck one day I want to get and try and breed some cardinals/rummy noses lol just have to get serious about it and actually do it :)

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Neons are generally more prolific and easier to breed than cardinals and rummy nose and this is reflected in the price. They do best as "teanagers" rather than "big fat oldies". You may do better breeding from locally bred ones too rather than imports. Don't breed from any that show any sign of fading colour.

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  • 5 months later...

Whats the behavior of randy neons? :lol: I have four neons in my community tank and every now and then they like to dart about each other. I wondered if this was them flirting with each other? Im so keen to try breeding them. I've heard using white spot cure after the adults have done the deed and you have taken them out of the tank. this will kill germs and make the tank sterile.

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