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That water spiders ate baby goldfish!

I had a large bucket/plastic container with around 15 young goldfish from this years spawning and they were growing well when one day i noticed a spider hanging out on top of the water - didn't think much of it. Went out again a few days later and the spider was still there, quite a good sized brown thing. I dont particularly like spiders! so i poked it with a stick, it attacked the stick then dove under the water. The spider has been living there for near on a month and the baby goldfish were around 1cm, some more, some less - now only 4 babies are left, no bodies to be found and the spider has now gone or rather i haven't seen it the last week or so. Wish i had realised sooner! Damn him! the babies were some really nice shubunkins!! Hope the spider doesn't come back next year!!

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dunno much - actually nuthin - about spiders! O hang on yes i do - they can eat baby fish! lol

It was a decent size a guesstimate would be 5cm across (when splayed) or maybe a lil more (they always seem HUGE when you dont like them! So i scaled down the size i remember it to be) and a browny tan colour, wasn't very hairy that i noticed (not like a tarantula or anything anyways) - i guess you could say it was pretty :-?

Went out to take a pic the day i realised all the baby fish were gone and the spider was gone too, otherwise could have been of more help. If it turns up again i will get a pic and post it.

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lesson to be learn't ... cover all your "tanks"

my first experience of this was a good 14 years ago ...put my goldfish in a glass while cleaning the tank ,.. looked back, glass empty, looked down, cat licking its lips

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