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Anyone got any wild or f1, f2 etc or 'wildtype' discus?\


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I think there are some browns and teffle greens in NZ from memory they were on the lists and brought into petshops, unsure if they were wild caught or just browns etc but about as close as you can get..

I am not such a fan of the wild caught ones most of them while stunning in their own rights are nowhere near as colourful as the strains developed in aquariums.. Exception to that would be africans where they seem to be as colourful or more colourful in the lake.

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There are browns and Teffe greens about, but as said above they are pretty hard to breed and in fact keep.

When you think of the acclimitisation required from going fronm a flood plain the size of England through suppliers, importers, quarantine etc tne breeding is a big ask.

The wilds that I did see were quite old and big eyed as well, although this shot of a Teffe in a friends tank a couple of years ago might make you reconsider your comment Ryan. It took an incredible amount of Maintainence to keep this pair happy, but when they were they were georgous.


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lol ill retract my comment if they look like that :)

The ones that I have seen (and based my comment on) looked nothing like that I think might have something to do with the stress etc of being transported and maybe they weren't settled or happy. Well worth the effort if you could get your hands on them, has anyone managed to breed them in NZ?

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There are browns and Teffe greens about, but as said above they are pretty hard to breed and in fact keep.

When you think of the acclimitisation required from going fronm a flood plain the size of England through suppliers, importers, quarantine etc tne breeding is a big ask.

The wilds that I did see were quite old and big eyed as well, although this shot of a Teffe in a friends tank a couple of years ago might make you reconsider your comment Ryan. It took an incredible amount of Maintainence to keep this pair happy, but when they were they were georgous.


That is a beautiful fish, nicest looking discus I have ever seen (I am not really a discus fan though lol)

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these are photos of my 'wildtype' Discus:



was sold to me as some kind of a Turq...lol

I had turqs like that I just think they arent very good quality/colouring rather than being "wild"as such.

A friend has heckels and tefe greens and are bautiful but have never bred and are highly unlikly too

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