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compatiable tropical fish


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where do i find a list of what tropical fish are compatiable with each other. yes i know dont put big ones with small ones etc. but i want a more specific list. is there a website somewhere?? im looking at getting a BIG tank and having fish that grow big like Pleco and silver sharks etc. can someone help me...

thanks heaps


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Fish compatibility isn't that complicated. Don't put big fish with little fish, don't put aggressive fish with timid fish.

I disagree, its very complicated. If I told you that it was possible to keep discus, ornate and senegal bichirs, corys, and borneo tigers in the same tank you'd tell me I'm mad right? Well it can be done and I've seen it with my own two eyes. Fish compatibility is anything but cut and dry, there are certain factors you can look at (size, diet, water, etc) that can help, but a lot of it is going to be trial and error. Any website claiming to have a list of what can and can't be kept togethre should be avoided as in reality it is about as accurate as the "1 inch per gallon" rule.

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I disagree, its very complicated. If I told you that it was possible to keep discus, ornate and senegal bichirs, corys, and borneo tigers in the same tank you'd tell me I'm mad right? Well it can be done and I've seen it with my own two eyes. Fish compatibility is anything but cut and dry, there are certain factors you can look at (size, diet, water, etc) that can help, but a lot of it is going to be trial and error. Any website claiming to have a list of what can and can't be kept togethre should be avoided as in reality it is about as accurate as the "1 inch per gallon" rule.

I agree 100%

Ive had A LOT of discus and a 2.5ft Aro all in the same tank, so it does come down to a lot more than the big eats small scenario. Tank size plays a huge role when it comes to fish compatibility.

Dominique: If you tell us the dimensions of the tank, and what sort of fish you had your eye on, we can share our experiences (and opinions) with you. I hope this helps.

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I disagree, its very complicated. If I told you that it was possible to keep discus, ornate and senegal bichirs, corys, and borneo tigers in the same tank you'd tell me I'm mad right?

Why would I say you're mad? Other than the cories they're all medium-large usually less aggressive fish. I'd be inclined to say they're likely to all go together fine.

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