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Shrimps missing


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I had 2 cleaner shrimp and 1 blood red fire shrimp in my old 4 footer. When I moved the rocks and fish etc downstairs, one of the cleaner shrimps "disappeared". Now that I've moved the rocks and fish back to the new tank, there is only a single cleaner shrimp left! I turned each rock and searched as best I could as I was creating my rock structure last night. I can only see the single cleaner shrimp left. He is sitting down the bottom left corner and hasn't moved all day. Should I be concerned? Are they happier with a 'mate'? If the others did die, would they get eaten completely so there would be no visible remains?!

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The only cleaner shrimp that was moved to the new tank died the night he was moved :( I think I stressed him out a bit too much the poor little bugger. The Anemone went walkabouts that night and his remains were gone that morning, at least he got a good feed :-?

So,... if anyone is breaking down their tank in the Auckland area and are selling cleaner shrimp(s) (or any type of shrimp for that matter) let me know, I want to buy a few but dont want to pay (the ridiculous) retail price for them :D

Send me a PM.


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Briananemone - Then don't feed the Anemone, you shouldn't anyway.

As Reef said shrimps are VERY sensitive to aclimitisation problems, particulary in sg & mg.

Also never under-estimate the ill effects stress will have on the life.

Shame to loose them all the same.


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