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Sterilising Driftwood


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I have a huge piece of driftwood that has been used in a tank, and I would now like to use it in another tank. I wondered what would be the best way to sterilise it before moving it. I know you can get some chemical steriliers - but with the size of it I'm not sure how I'll do that. Can anyone tell me if the suns UV rays would do the job? Or would pouring boiling water over it do the trick? (thinking out loud here...)

I'm keen to hear how others do this.

Many thanks in advance :)

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Was there something you know of in the other tank you do not want transferred to the new tank? If not, I would just scrub it with a nailbrush or similar. Boiling water would help but I don't think it would kill some algae. Sun is good but waterlogged wood dries out quickly and then floats :roll:

Is it too big to boil one end at a time?

I myself have never sterilised driftwood. I have hosed it thoroughly and scrubbed it but that's all. I have always just swapped it from tank to tank too with no problems. Wouldn't do that if the tank it came from had cyano in it though :-?

Anyone used bleach on driftwood?

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I did loose the last couple of fish in that tank in short succession and I don't know why - and because its going to be going in a new tank with discus and GBA - I'd rather assume it was contaminated and treat it, rather than be sorry :)

So at this stage...sounds like a good scrub and being subjected to boiling water in the bath will be a goer. Will the boiling water kill any nasties?

Thanks for the advice everyone :)

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I did loose the last couple of fish in that tank in short succession and I don't know why - and because its going to be going in a new tank with discus and GBA

You probably just found your own answer. New tanks can be death traps. Have you learned about cycling a fish tank? (not sure how long you have been involved with fish.

I recently took a piece of wood from a river for my fish tank. Remember fish diseases are not likely to survive without fish being present*. SO with this bit of wood, I just had it in a bucket of water for a week or two to keep it waterlogged, but allow for anything on it to die.

(*if they do, they will probably be in your tank anyway, but they are opportunistic and wit for your fish to be vulnerable, we are currently surrounded by the most cold and flu viruses right now, but people's immune systems are stronger over summer so we tend not to get sick from them)

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Sorry I don't think that came across clear...I lost the last two fish in short sucession that were in the old tank (that has the driftwood sitting in it now), and I would like to use that piece of driftwood in the new tank. I've had fish for a while now (5 years - have 6 tanks soon to be 8) - but consider myself a beginner hence my basic questions :)

I did not know that fish diseases are not likely to survive without fish being present - that is really good to know.

So in this case, since the last two fish died in that old tank - this driftwood has just been sitting in the old water (fish free)...but it hasn't had fish in there for ages...so it sounds like boiling water and a good old scrub will do the trick!

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