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Baby platties.


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Ok so we all know that platies breed like the common cold. But mine have never done so until now.

I have a couple questions, I have removed them and put them in a fry net thingy, what do I feed them and how often?

How many babies will the mum normally have? and how often does she have them... as in I currently have 9 will she be putting out some more in a day etc until they are all out? She is still looking pretty pregnant.

Some will be missed and eaten I assume, but most of them are staying hidden in this floating plastic rock.

Thanks for any answers.

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Number of fry varies a lot from half a dozen to 20 or more (there have been reports of up to 200 but I have never seen this many) depending on the size and age of mum.

Feed them small amounts often. Crushed flake is fine.

Mum can drop fry every 4 - 6 weeks and can do so over a few days.

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This might be a dumb question, But I know platys are livebearers but are the babies actually swimming when they come out? Just Ive seen her have what I would call a couple whitish poo's that fall to the bottom and then she'll have a normal brown poo afterwards.

So what im trying to ask is if the whitish ones are fry dropping out of her and then im assuming they swim off when their ready? or do they actually swim out of her backside?

Ha i know thats probably a very silly question but I have no idea otherwise :P

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Any Ideas Please.

I had about 10 or 11 babies in one of those plastic floating breeding things, with some sponge in the bottom to prevent the babies from getting out the bottom holes - which I know they do cause I watched one get eaten. But that doesnt seem to be working last night I went for 11 fry to now 5.

What else can I do to stop them swimming out the bottom and getting eaten?

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I prefer to use a breeding net - it is a plastic frame with a fine fabric mesh around it, and 2 bendable metal brackets which hang over the side of your tank.

The mesh is too small for the fry to swim out, and all the water is still circulating from the rest of the tank, so it stays aerated etc. Put a little floating plant in there to hide them from mum, and take her out after she seems to have dropped most of the fry.

You can get them at your LFS or on the auction site (search under "fish net breeder") for $10-15.

I find mine to be so useful that it always seems to be clipped on the tank for some reason, even when there's no young fry in there.

Don't panic, there will be more babies - take it as a lesson, save as many as you can this time and be ready for next time.

They're so cute aren't they! :D

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Hey guys, I have a bit of dilemma.

I had 10 babies in a breeding net then the other day I noticed 9 of them had disappeared into the middle of nowhere. Then I captured another 1 and put him into my net. Then this morning they were both there all happy happy. Then I just looked at them but both have disapperead.

The wholes in the net are tiny tiny so I dont see how they can get out. They can't have jumper cause it is only half submersed with about 7cm in the water and 5cm out of the water so the sides are too high to jump.

But they have just disappeared. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

We have more babies. :P Im taking them out of the Dads tank like last time and still putting them into our tank into a Breeding net that I have put Filter wool on the bottom of so the gouramis can't suck these ones through the net. :)

How exciting again. Ha ok hopefully this time they don't disappear and I can get some to grow and be healthy

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can i buy some off you please i got plattys guppies and mollys about to drop the babys and i have 2 angel fish that like to eat them been looking for some pm me if you have some left you want to sell

come over and get some Indian fern I have some nice big plants at the moment. The babies will hide in it. I have had better results of keeping babies this way than using a seperate net. will pm my number so you can ring me first.
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