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Snakeneck in only water


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Turtles always need access to land or basking area.... half of my snakenecks spend hours basking, other half don't bask. But on odd occasion one of the non baskers will do a 'run around the enclosure' briefly, so will hopefully get used to being out of the water like the others have. :roll:

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Our snakeneck only likes being in water

- we have experiemented on him by leaving the water level below his basking area for a week and in that time did not once come out

We raised the water level in the basking level to 10cm above the basking area and he comes up out under the light

so now we have put a flat piece of slate there so if he wishes to get further out of the water he just climbs up on it

We do take him out every day for his walkies out side which he loves - also we lately have put the heat lamp close to the floor when he's walking around on the carpet

since they are really more aquatic turtles we have notice his shell gets green proberly because his doesn't get to dry out like the red ears do - we just brush his shell once a week with a very soft toothbrush

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some snakenecks only come out of the water when no-one is around watching

i dealt with 2 snakenecks that had been kept in only water for 6 years

no basking area, 2 normal flourescents and fed only oxheart as that is how they were told to keep them on purchase

they were like picking up 2 sponges

sadly the tank cracked a few months later, all the water leaked out and the 2 turtles died

as their shells weren't strong enough and collapsed onto their lungs

turtles shells are effectively their rib cage

give them the option of basking, correct lighting and diet

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