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WTB Tropheus, Frontossa, where and what to pay


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Some Tropheus have just been posted in PT & E depends what species and how lucky you are for price they aren't cheap or all that common, I have seen dub's selling for $20ea on trademe recently which are the most common species...

Frontosa are around expect to pay $30+ea for them although I think they will get cheaper... The breeder is on here and may contact you :)

Good luck they're both cool fish, hope you have some big tanks lined up :)

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hi guys i went to local fish shop to buy frontossa but when i found dead frontossa in their tank and it made me think that should i buy from or not?

so far i found 2 dead fish in two weeks since i visited .was it my luck that i have to see it or just co-incident? don't know

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Yeah id have to agree.. Assuming that all fronts come from the same breeder they were healthy when they got there so something the shop did killed it and you don't really know what..

I also feel that the shop shouldn't have dead fish in their tanks staff should check tanks regularly and remove them (and hopefully figure out what went wrong and stop the other fish from being sold) before they cause problems.

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i dont think colour matters my domiant male was always dark he never seemd streesd

i think they vary alot ,substrate may have sumthn to do wit it...

Yep he changes colour quite a bit, seems to get a bit darker just before dinner time. The tank it's self is pretty dark too with one white tube at the back and one blue tube at the front, which makes him look dark in some photos (combined with my crap fish photography skills)

but he is more than happy...

I'll be sad to see them go but want to try something new and I can only have the one tank at the mo

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